Castle House Museum
To allow people associated with Dunoon to be more closely involved with the Museum in its important role in preserving the Heritage of the area.
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facebook.comPlease note that the Museum is now closed for the winter with reopening at Easter next year. If there is any particular need for any information etc. do not hesitate to email at Thanks.
Morning folks. Looked at this page yesterday saw and read 4 messages which seem to have vanished. Did not reply at the time but was going to do it later. Therefore if you think I am ignoring you I am really not It is just that I am inefficient. Please repost if you are waiting on a response. Who knows though but they might reappear. Thanks.
Very recent addition to the Museum's collection of old shop items. Not in the best of condition but possibly unique. This firm had three shops in Argyll Street at one and the same time. As I remember it their advert listed these and stated " open from 8 am till 11pm for the convenience of our customers " By pure chance I noticed a Google Alert that it was on Ebay , checked, 2 minutes to go! Got it. Reckon we were just meant to have it.
Nice item received yesterday. Thought it was to be added to the old shop items display and was told it is not the matchbox but what is in it. I suppose I could have tried to guess the contents but would never have come up with this. Simply wonderful little warship models made from matchsticks. They were made by her husband when he was a schoolboy during the Second World War when the family had been moved down from Glasgow for safety.
This is to get me out of big trouble! You will recall my earlier picture taken with a telephoto lens when I said this delightful quintet were in their eighties. This is a copy of my photograph of them using their camera. It has been pointed out that they are a lot younger than I said! Sorry girls.
This was taken from the Museum with a telephoto lens. Shows FIVE sisters in their 80's visiting Dunoon for the day down on the prom. Quickest of visits to the Museum as they had to get back to the Car Park. I took pictures on their cameras for them so they could get all five together for which they were very pleased. Very busy recently with people from all over the World returning for the Games. Really enjoying the best job ever.
Despite the heaviest rain we have had for some time the Museum was extremely busy. It was family research day. Dealing with three requests from visitors in varying stages of wetness when the phone rang. Someone from Australia was wanting information too. Pleased to say that it all worked out fine with good outcomes. Highlight today was the gift of this lovely cigarette tin to add to our growing display of old shop items. It could be my favourite.
Nice update on the abandoned hats. Had these two little visitors back in today to claim their lost property. They had made me very special Thank You cards. Well done girls they were great.
Lost property at the Museum modelled by residents. Star Wars hat with Superman glasses. Sun hats left by two small girls recently moved to Dunoon.
My return from holiday gives me the opportunity to show you the excellent Thank You card produced by St Mun's Primary 1 after their recent visit. Your drawings are brilliant. It was great having you visit. Well done. Thanks for the donation. Much appreciated.
Another busy day at The Museum with a welcome visit from Kirn Primary School. A very well organised party of 28 children plus helpers really enjoyed exploring all over. Divided into three groups they visited in turn our DVD viewing area, main Exhibition Area and our wonderful Victorian Rooms. Some of the children were dressed in Victorian costume and this fair added to the whole atmosphere. Our shop of course did well. Their day was made complete with activities and lunch in the Castle Gardens which are looking as good as I have seen them in recent years Looking forward to the summer planting.
Yesterday saw the arrival, as arranged, of Primary 1 and helpers from St. Mun's as our doors opened. As the weather was not too good and having walked from the School they started with having a snack in one of our rooms downstairs. Suitably energised they then took over the Museum and had a great time taking it all in. Our shop was the target of not a little attention and I was very glad of the assistance of my wife to deal with the complexities of all the decisions, payments etc. I am sure they all enjoyed their visit. Next was downstairs for lunch and having consumed what appeared to have been at least a week's goodies they all came back upstairs to thank the Museum for having them. Some other visitors were well entertained when we were lucky enough to hear their rendering of Coulter's Candy ( ally bally bee ). On an historical note, ( can't help it! ) this comes from the early 1800's and refers to Robert Coultart who made and sold his own candy round all the country fairs. Anyway the highlight for me was the wee girl who said she enjoyed her visit and said she was going to come back with her mother. P. S. A cryptic message for Mrs. Black - everything is back to normal without any problem. Thanks everyone, well done.