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Laura's CoreBody Fitness

The Old School, Dumfries, United Kingdom
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Specialising in Pilates and Barre classes and events.
Mat based Pilates and Reformer Pilates.
South West Scotlands ONLY certified BarreConcept Instructor


A little competition!!

Thank you to Everyone for their understanding yesterday. Classes are on today as normal. If you really missed your class yesterday and would like to come today instead please let me know. 9.45-10.45am- Pilates 6-7pm- Pilates 7.15-8pm- BarreBlast 8.15-9.15pm- Pilates

I’m afraid that all of tonight’s classes are Cancelled due to a family emergency. My apologies in advance. All classes will be carried forward, or can be caught up during the rest of the block.

Join me for the next Pilates Supper Club on the 27th of April 6.30-8.30pm at NonaLou’s.

Happy International Women’s Day!!! Today I Celebrate each and every one of you. You light up my life. You inspire me, you push me, you support me. You are wonderful! You are strong! You are enough! You are everything you need! You are YOU!! Be Proud! Thank you for all that you are. Let’s spend the day celebrating all women, past, present and future!!!

I have spaces at all of tonight’s classes. Why not come along and remember how good it feels to move your body!

Dreaming of blue skies, sun and heat!!! I’ve had enough of the snow now. On the plus side though, Pilates WILL be on tomorrow morning 10-11am at The Old School. If you were booked in last night but would like to come tomorrow instead, please do.

Afternoon, I am making the decision to cancel tonight’s classes. I’ve already had a number of people cancelling due to the weather and numbers are looking really low. I’d rather you all stayed at home and were safe instead of traveling in these conditions. I hope you all understand. Stay safe and warm!!!

It’s snowing and cold but Pilates still goes on!!!! Class is on this morning!!

It’s the start of a new 6 week block today!!! I still have spaces in some of my classes. £36 for 6 weeks or £7 to pay as you go. Booking is essential.

Love a competition!!
