Gather Dudley CIC
Gather Dudley is a new social enterprise encompassing and growing everything that is in good in the Dudley borough Dudley is a culturally and economically diverse borough with lots of people who care about where they live. We invite anyone and everyone to gather at 65 High Street, Dudley, to bring their ideas, their projects, their visions for their community and make them happen. So many people have so much to give and we want to bring them all together to help make Dudley the place where things happen.
Based in a friendly, vibrant and inspiring new venue, we have all you need to start things off : comfy surroundings, great atmosphere, fab food and beverages, and a network of like-minded people who want to make a difference.
If you just want a place in Dudley to meet with friends or business colleagues, this place is for you too. With all of the above and free wifi thrown in, come and get settled in. You won't regret it.
Tell your friends
facebook.comDo you want to support our local homeless community by providing hot drinks and food? For those who prefer not to give cash, why not buy one of our Invitations instead? They can be made out to any value for you to donate to someone in need and are available at the counter.
Do you know someone who is on their own, isolated or feeling lonely? It's not just the elderly; it can be anyone of any age in any circumstance. We all need to keep an eye out in our own neighbourhoods, amongst friends and acquaintances. It only takes a few minutes out of our day to make sure someone is okay. A phone call, a kind word, a small gesture to show that you care. We are here at gather 6 days a week 9-4. You don't need to wait for an invitation. Bring someone along, introduce them to one or all of us. Everyone here is welcoming and friendly. You don't need to spend money all day to be here. You can just sit and be, in your own space, watching what's going on, or making friends and getting involved in any projects that are happening. Sometimes just being around others helps. Often a small step is all it takes to change someone's life. Help that happen today 😊
The Living Room On The High Street
So, the Christmas break is upon us and now seems to be as good a time as any, to thank each and every one of you wonderful people who have been a part of our first year. We never realised, when we first opened the doors to gather, that so many talented, creative, hugely kind and generously giving people would walk in and quickly become a massive part of our journey. We have met some very special people and made some great friends along the way and we know that without you all, we wouldn't be able to do much of the stuff that we want to do. With this in mind, we move into the New Year with real excitement and anticipation, because every step to a better place around us has already begun with you. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to a New Year of sharing, giving, learning and doing. (Don't forget tomorrow (Friday 22nd) is our last day and we re-open again on January 2nd 2018)
Thank You! To all the students from Dudley College who sang carols for us yesterday. What a brilliant performance by all of you and a lovely way to bring us into Christmas.
Fancy some carol singing to get you feeling festive? Tomorrow morning (Wednesday) at 9.15am, we have some students from the LD Department of Dudley College coming along to sing us some carols. They have practiced a 45 minute set and would love a big audience to sing to. Please come along and support them and get a free mince pie with your hot drink.
Can you believe it? Someone stole our KindCoats rail yesterday, coats, cover and all! But as is the case in Dudley, no sooner has the old one disappeared, a new one is donated by David’s Cave, Wolverhampton Street. Thank you David!! 🙏 (As David didn’t want his photo taken, Laura had one instead)
On Monday we launched our Kind Coats rail. This is a scheme where people can leave warm coats that they no longer need and those in need of a warm coat can take them for free. The rail will be in front of gather permanently throughout the winter and has, in two days, helped 8 people. Thank you to Ian Austin MP whose office donated the rail, cover and hangers. We'd also like to thank SELCO, Dudley for donating a couple of sandbags to help secure the rail down. Thank you to everyone who has donated a coat, but as we're down to 3 coats now, any additions to the rail will be gladly received.
The lovely Joanne Hardy has been in this morning and donated £100 to our Pay It Forward Board. She is going around town with these vouchers so that more hot drinks and food can be accessed at gather in this cold weather. Jo works at Barnshaw Section Benders and their wonderful staff have raised money through their snack shop. A big thank you on behalf of all our homeless friends, to all at Barnshaw's for their generosity.
Christmas Acoustic Evening Saturday 16th December 2017 - 7pm till late As we were so busy last time and there are limited seats available, this one will be a ticket only event, so we can keep an eye on numbers, so everyone gets a seat. Tickets are free and available from gather. Mulled wine and Christmassy food will be available, as well as the usual drinks. Come and get your tickets now and be prepared for a fantastic night of amazing music, great fun and Christmas frivolities! Acoustic musicians, please contact us if you wish to perform. Not many spaces left, so please let us know asap.
UPDATE! Sorry folks, looks like they're going to be another few hours before cables are fixed, so we won't be open today. Back to normal tomorrow. Morning Everyone! Really sorry, but it looks like there's been an underground power cut overnight and ourselves and the Post Office are without power this morning. We are informed that we SHOULD be back to normal by lunchtime, but will advise as soon as we know more. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.