Dingwall Free Church
Welcome to our Facebook page. We would love you to worship with us at Dingwall Free Church, on Sundays at 11 am and 6 pm. The church family meets in the Free Church, in Dingwall High Street, near the Railway Station. (For Sat-nav: IV15 9HA).
We trust in God’s good news, which comes to us through Jesus Christ and the message of hope taught in the Bible.
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facebook.comPaul Cary has just finished a 5-week ministry placement with us in Dingwall and Strathpeffer. During that time he preached, led bible studies, led services, played in the music group and did some pastoral visiting. Paul resumes his studies at Edinburgh Theological Seminary in September. He is a member and worship team leader at Cornerstone- a church plant in Edinburgh.
Congratulations to Emily and Fraser Greenwood who were married today at Dingwall Free Church - best wishes for your future.
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Duncan Murchison and thanks to Rev Kenny MacLeod for conducting a beautiful ceremony.
Best wishes to Duncan and Lydia who are getting married today and to Fraser and Emily who are getting married on Saturday. #DFC_SummerofLove
Funding may be available for post-graduate study / ministry apprenticeship through the Free Church Board of Ministry. See the website for details.
Can you take the John 10:10 Challenge? Take some time each day (perhaps at ten past ten each day, morning or evening, to start praying seriously for friends who do not know Jesus to know Him and to have the LIFE of God in them. Start with one friend and end up praying for TEN? For ten weeks? Perhaps it will become a way to pray for a lifetime?
Join us on easter Sunday for Family Service at 11 am and a Songs of Praise and Testimony night at 6 pm. There is also Soup and Hot Dogs with an easter Egg Hunt at the home of Jillian and Jonathan Innes after morning service. Everyone is welcome.
Home Groups in April are on Wednesday 11th. Join us to study the Bible and support each other in prayer.
Join us if you can this Easter season. We have a Breakfast Club, special Services including Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Sunday Services are also available live online on our YouTube Channel each Sunday at 11 am and 6 pm.
Join a Home Group on Wednesday 22nd March. It is a great way to deepen friendship, to grow in prayer and deepen our understanding God's word. This month - from Acts 11 and 13 - the passages explore how to share our faith and some of the positive and negative reactions we can expect. Download a study guide for details of the venues and to see the discussion points.
Thanks to Rob Rowe for playing some recent Bible teaching from Dingwall Free Church on Gospel for Grampian Radio. Dr John Nicholls sermon on Isaiah 53 (How Jesus Dealt with Sin) is available on our YouTube Channel (search for Dingwall Free Church YouTube) or on the Gospel for Grampian podcast. http://g4g.org.uk/wp/podcast/
Please join us if you can (in person or online) this Saturday and Sunday, 4th and 5th March, when Dr John Nicholls will teach three messages on Isaiah 53 and 54. He will also lead a communion celebration on Sunday morning. Services are Saturday (7.30 pm) and 11 and 6 on Sunday. John is the Moderator of the Free Church General Assembly.