Littleover Methodist Church
Littleover Methodist Church (LMC) is a vibrant church at the heart of the community.
We aim to Encourage Maturity, Equip people for Ministry and Enable Mission in Christ.
At LMC we are striving to look more like Jesus in every aspect of our lives. We are Littleover Methodist Church – a vibrant Church at the heart of our community
For decades Littleover Methodist Church (LMC) has been a key player in the village of Littleover engaging with people across all ages and backgrounds with the message of hope and life which we have found in Jesus Christ. We are now a mix of about 200 people, from babies to people approaching 100, from a number of different nations. Our church centre is busy seven days a week and there is loads going on all the time
At LMC we are striving to look more like Jesus in every aspect of our lives, our character, our values and our actions. As we read the New Testament we see Jesus constantly reaching out in love to all sorts of people, and as He brought healing and transformation so hope was released in people’s lives. We want to live like this too, bringing love, transformation and hope to those in our community.
We do this through Encouraging Maturity, Equipping people for Ministry, Enabling Mission in Christ
These are the three key ways we see our vision become a reality. We are committed to helping people grow and mature in their Christian faith, be empowered in theirs gifts and talents, serving the Church and the wider world, and be released in mission to change the world through acts of kindness and generosity to others and words that bring hope and life.
It's great to welcome you into the life of LMC.
Tell your friends
facebook.comGood Friday 30th March 10:00am All Age Worship followed by a walk of witness through Littleover Village
ACT 38 Make a special effort to buy a plastic-free product such as a bamboo toothbrush or soap 40 Acts 40 Days 40 Smiles #actsofkindness #40acts #LMC40acts #kindness #Lent
ACT 37 Say Good Morning to a passing stranger. 40 Acts 40 Days 40 Smiles #actsofkindness #40acts #LMC40acts #kindness #Lent
ACT 36 Treat somebody to a hot drink. 40 Acts 40 Days 40 Smiles #actsofkindness #40acts #LMC40acts #kindness #Lent
We’ve had a fabtastic time today at holiday club. 54 children and a brilliant team of young people and adults have enjoyed a show stopping time. Unfortunately Tim ruined Bobs amazing cake creation - but I’ve a feeling all will turn out good in the end!! Thanks for all your prayers for today and the rest of the week.
ACT 35 Make a list of things that you appreciate in your co-worker or friend and leave it somewhere they can find it. 40 Acts 40 Days 40 Smiles #actsofkindness #40acts #LMC40acts #kindness #Lent
Lovely candelit Taize worship to begin Holy Week tonight.
Josh Thornhill is on Pais this year. Hear all about Pais and what it does here from Phil Timson, director of Hope Revolution. 🙂
We are very looking forward to our holiday club next week! If I can ask people to help stack all the chairs tomorrow after the morning service that would be fab. And if you’d like to stay and decorate the church that would be extremely helpful! We will provide pizza for those who stay!! 🙂
ACT 34 Invite some friends in the community around to your house for a catch-up or get-to-know each other. 40 Acts 40 Days 40 Smiles #actsofkindness #40acts #LMC40acts #kindness #Lent
10:30am Sunday 25th March Palm Sunday Celebration Service
ACT 33 Offer to help with babysitting or dog walking for somebody for free. 40 Acts 40 Days 40 Smiles #actsofkindness #40acts #LMC40acts #kindness #Lent