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Insane Fitness with Victoria Sutton

Abbey Studios, 253 Abbey Street, Derby, United Kingdom
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



INSANE FITNESS offer the BEST group fitness classes in town!!!  

Fitness Pilates  
Raise The Barre  


*****E X C I T I N G N E W S***** After BEASTING the morning BODYBLAST lot this morning, it reminded me how much I L❤️VE training a stupid o’clock 👌🏼 The BUZZ, the adrenaline rush and the endorphins (happy hormones) rushing around your body, it sets you up for the rest of the day 😁 For the last 3 years you’ve been begging me to put on a morning INSANITY class 🙈 but logistically this was impossible whilst I was flying solo 🙋🏻‍♀️having Grace and working around shift work 😢 I have the amazing pocket rocket Gail on board 🚀 and we are happy to announce that a morning INSANITY class WILL be introduced to the timetable 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 The first class will be ***TUESDAY 15th MAY*** You requested it, so we’re delivering 😁 The classes are on the system so ***GET BOOKING NOW 💪🏼*** (Limited spaces as we will be using the upstairs studio only)

✅Take measurements ✅Take photos ✅Notice how your clothes fit But...DO NOT get on the SAD STEP and let it define the mood of your entire weekend 👊🏼

Feeling fit = happiness 😁 #whenyouknowyouknow

W A C K Y W E D N E S D A Y!!!!!! WOW!!! Sutton Soldiers were out in force tonight in the 26 degrees heat and setting the roof on FIRE!!!!!🔥🔥🔥 ROUND 30 SMASHED TO SMITHEREENS!!!💥💣💥 #insanity #mytribe #suttonsoldiers #machines

👊🏼Stick with it!!! 👊🏼You’ve got this!!! 👊🏼And we’ve got you 😉

Well......that was interesting 😂😂😂 Flying solo for back to back TURBO whilst Gail chills out at home 😂💩🤮#sicknote😂...........I’m dead 💀 BUT.......I bloody LOVED it 🤪 The thing that gets you through this PURE EVIL class is the awesome TUNES 😎🎶😎 when your song comes on, you get in the zone, whip your hair back and just ride through that KILLER track!!!! Ain’t no party like a TURBO TUESDAY PARRRRRTTTTAAAYYYY!!!!!! #ifyouknowyouknow 🚴🏼‍♂️🚴🏽‍♀️🚴🏼‍♂️🚴🏽‍♀️🚴🏼‍♂️🚴🏽‍♀️🚴🏼‍♂️🚴🏽‍♀️🚴🏼‍♂️🚴🏽‍♀️🚴🏼‍♂️🚴🏽‍♀️🚴🏼‍♂️🚴🏽‍♀️ Well done everyone 👏🏼 standard SUTTON BEAST MODE was activated and you took it like true Troopers!!!💂🏼‍♀️💂🏼‍♀️💂🏼‍♀️💂🏼‍♀️💂🏼‍♀️💂🏼‍♀️ #insanefitness #turbo #killerclass #imdead

The sun is finally starting to show its face again 😁 So salad days are back.....🥗🥗🥗 Salads are SIMPLE to prepare and PERFECT for your packed lunch 👍🏻 Not only that, but they can be crammed FULL of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants too 😁😁😁 But it's easy to get bored 🙄 and end up making the same salad day after day! 🙈 So here's your guide to making the PERFECT salad, every time 👏🏻😁😋 1. Begin with your basic salad, you could make a couple of days worth to save you time in the mornings. The base should be some green leaves like spinach, rocket, watercress, followed by your everyday ingredients like tomatoes, cucumber, pepper 🥒🍅🥗 2. Top with some colourful favourites like beetroot, sweet corn, celery, radishes, spring onion. Swap these around and think about trying something new each week. Add some fresh herbs like basil, parsley, dill, chives 🍃🌿🌱 3. Add some protein 💪🏻 like chicken, ham, tuna, prawns, salmon, boiled eggs, beans. 🍗🍖🥓 4. Finish with some healthy fats such as avocado, feta cheese, grated Parmesan, olive oil, nuts or seeds 🥜🌰🧀 If you want to dress your salad, good options are balsamic or apple cider vinegar, sweet chilli sauce or Greek yoghurt 😋😋😋😋 #gailsgrub #saladdays #getprepped

It’s ALL about the Monday Night BODYPUMP at INSANE FITNESS!!!🔥🏋🏻‍♀️💥💪🏼🔥🏋🏻‍♀️💥💪🏼 - - #lookatmyladies #lovingliftingthoseweights #buildingmachines #girlgains #womenwithmusclesrock

YOUR body is a reflection of what YOU are. If you want to look healthy you have to BE healthy! 💪🏼🍌🍓🥒🏃🏽‍♀️ #mondaymotivation #letsdothis

If your main goal is to drop some weight and you’re wondering how to get there 🤔 you’re not alone. Our most commonly asked question right now is....... ‘Which classes should I be doing for fat loss?’ We all know by now that putting on weight is a result of eating more than we need, so the simple answer is to reduce your calories!!!! The scary fact is that it takes a reduction in calories of 3500 to lose just 1lb of fat!!!!! 😱😱😱No wonder it’s so bloody hard!!🤦🏻‍♀ That’s 500 CALORIES A DAY!!! That’s why HIIT training aka INSANITY is your new best friend!!! 👯‍♀ It’s the FAT BURNER!!!🔥🔥🔥 During an average INSANITY class (although we can only speak for an INSANE FITNESS one 😜) you can burn over 500 calories.... in just 45 minutes 💦💦 Not only that but thanks to the EPOC effect, your body continues to burn EXTRA calories up to 24 HOURS after you’ve trained!!!!!! This ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼doesn’t mean you should stop lifting weights or strengthening your ass and core!! In fact...the opposite 💪🏼 The key is to burn the fat away and reveal that tight lean muscle underneath (because contrary to popular belief, fat can NOT ‘turn into’ muscle) So keep on building that beautiful muscle because the stronger you are, the faster your metabolism is 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 PLUS you’ll have the strength to knock out more burpees!!!😉 INSANITY + STRENGTH TRAINING = FAT BURNING MACHINE!!!!🔥💪🏼🔥

That's right!!!!!👊🏼🙅🏻💪🏼 Sunday Sutton Soldiers it's time to RISE n GRIND and get your ass to class!!! #insanity #pilates #makingtime #sundaysess

Rise and Shine Saturday SUTTON SOLDIERS!!!💂🏼 YES it's Saturday and YES we're training at 8am 😴 But hey, just DON'T get results snoozing!!! SNOOZE you LOSE!!!💤💤💤 #insanefitness #saturdaysess #oneoffturbo #whilstthebossisaway #raisethebarre #letsdothis



This can only mean one thing bootcamp is coming very soon. My bootcamp T-shirt is here @insanefitnesstorz 👊💪#bootcamp#3weekstogo#newgoals #strongnotskinny#healthy#lean#excited



I believe in myself every day that I can achieve the goals I set out. I thrive to push myself to the limit. This morning was an exceptional case the warrior in me had to man up and create some strength to begin the 7 day body blast. 💪🙅 #day1#goals#achievement#strength#7daybodyblast #warrior#suttonsarmy



NEAR Insane Fitness with Victoria Sutton