Crieff Hydro Riding Centre
Description Get into the saddle with horse riding lessons and hacks at Crieff Hydro Riding Centre, Perthshire
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facebook.comWe are excited to announce that today we welcomed 3 new arrivals to the Riding Centre. Please meet Tess, Pablo and a new working livery, Dakota, who is pictured with her proud new owner, Emma. The horses seemed to be more interested in the grass than the view from their new field!
This little Shetland's almost as cheeky as our Polly... 💐🐴
A chance to discuss and practice show ring etiquette either in preparation for a forthcoming show or just for fun! Suitable for all levels and abilities of riders. One hour sessions in the field, with a maximum of six riders per session, cost per person £25. It would be beneficial if riders could be dressed in their show attire but horses need not be "show" ready.
An afternoon of mounted games to test your skills and balance, for all ages and abilities. Horse/pony hire available, please contact the Riding Centre on 07730671442 or for more information.
Come along for a fun afternoon of learning and practising mounted games' techniques in preparation for our Games competition or just for some holiday fun! Please contact the Riding Centre on 07730 671442 or email for more information.
For more information and to enter please contact the Riding Centre on 07730671442 or email
We are excited to be able to offer 1 hour training sessions over a course of working hunter jumps. Get some practice in before the competition on the 9th August or just come along for fun! Cost £30 per person. Previous jumping experience required. Horse hire available, please contact Riding Centre by pm or email for more information.
Our own a pony experience afternoons are running on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th July and are suitable for children aged 8 years old and over. Both days are suitable for children of all levels and abilities and will consist of learning how to care for ponies including lessons on grooming, tacking up and riding. A typical itinerary may be: 3pm Meet at yard and introduction to ponies 3.10pm Grooming lesson and practice 3.30pm Tacking up lesson and practice 3.45pm 30 minute lesson/hack/games 4.15pm Untack and aftercare of ponies 4.30pm Turn out ponies 4.45pm Mucking out and tidying yard finished by tack care Suitable for all levels and abilities of riders, please contact the Riding Centre by PM or email: The cost is £35 per person. These afternoons are aimed at children, however, we can also run equivalent days for adults, please just let us know if you are interested.
We have had a week of mixed emotions at the Riding Centre. Firstly, we said a sad fairwell to the very popular Bobby D and Lloyd who set off on a new adventure across the water to live with their owners, however, we are pleased to report they have settled in well. On a happier note, we are awaiting the arrival of 3 new horses to the Riding Centre. Watch this space for more news and photos when they arrive.
Meet Sarah, our Riding Centre's official horse whisperer... 🐎
Thank you to everyone who made this afternoon's dressage competition a fantastic event! All competitors rode lovely tests, the spectators helped the event run smoothly, and the judge, Jan Hunter, gave some great comments and feedback with the help of her writer, both of whom gave up a sunny Sunday afternoon! The results were: Class 1: 1st = Angela Holmes (Tayto) 1st= Megan Osbaldstone (Folly) 2nd Millie Yardley (Daisy) Class 2: 1st Abby Peters (Peppi) 2nd Shannen Morrissey (Peppi) 3rd Chris Appleyard (Daisy) 4th John Ferguson (Clyde) 5th Emma Fiander (Folly) 6th=Angela Holmes (Tayto) 6th=Nicola Horsburgh (Oliver) Special rosettes were awarded to Emma Laird (Neon), Lynette Guy (Bobby D), Sam Ferguson (Daisy). Well done everyone! Thanks also to Louise's Tack and Rab Young Paddock services for sponsoring the event and for providing fabulous rosettes!
Unaffiliated dressage competition kindly sponsored by Louise's Tack and Rab Young Paddock Supplies. Class 1: Intro B Class 2: Prelim 7. Entries close 23rd April. BD rules apply to both horse and rider.