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Calibre Fitness

50 Bishop St, Coventry, United Kingdom
Performance & Sports Venue



Personal Training service


*MOBILITY MONDAYS* The Bradford press is a good exercise to strengthen and increase range of motion around the shoulder girdle. Rotator cuff injuries are one of the most frequent causes of pain for the shoulders, by using this massively under used technique as a warm up exercise for an upper body workout or just as a simple mobility workout you may be able to alleviate pain or prevent injury in the future.

The Bradford press is a good exercise to strengthen and increase range of motion around the shoulder girdle. Rotator cuff injuries are one of the most frequent causes of pain for the shoulders, by using this massively under used technique as a warm up exercise for an upper body workout or just as a simple mobility workout you may be able to alleviate pain or prevent injury in the future.

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*MOBILITY MONDAYS* Statistically we spend approximately 15.5 hours in a seated position every day, this leads to weak glutes and tight hips. Being sedentary for this long also causes problems in the lumbar region of the spine as our body compensates for this. A way to overcome this is to use a resistance band to target the areas concerned. Make sure the shoulders and hips are aligned and facing forwards, squeeze the glutes to keep them activated and hold this position for around 2 minutes on each leg to feel the benefits!

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*WEEKEND WORKOUT* Practicing what I preach today with a two part workout to try at home this weekend. Only 10 mins of hard work! Part A: 5 min EMOM- On the even numbers 10 burpees, on the odd numbers 30 seconds of high knees Part B: 5 min AMRAP- 6 reverse lunges, 8 butterfly sit ups, 10 mountain climbers

Practicing what I preach today with a two part workout to try at home this weekend. Only 10 mins of hard work! 
Part A: 5 min EMOM- On the even numbers 10 burpees, on the odd numbers 30 seconds of high knees 
Part B: 5 min AMRAP- 6 reverse lunges, 8 butterfly sit ups, 10 mountain climbers

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Calibre Fitness's cover photo

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*MOBILITY MONDAYS* Jefferson Curls are a good way to strengthen the whole of the posterior chain. If you have tight hamstrings or any lower back pain this is and ideal technique to help overcome these faults. By using weight and gravity this allows you to increase the stretch more than you would normally be able to. To complete the movement start from a standing position and allow each vertebrae to decompress starting with tucking the neck and placing the chin on the chest and then moving down through each individual section of the spine hinging at the hip until the bar passes over your toes making sure your knees are locked out. Try holding it as a stretch or doing for sets and reps.

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*MOBILITY MONDAYS* Passive hanging is perfect for shoulder mobility, elbow alignment, wrist mobility and grip strength. Since evolving from apes to humans we have left swinging in trees for sitting at desks, this has resulted in a loss of range of motion around the shoulder joint. Studies show hanging for approximately 5-7 mins a day allows the joint to remodel itself and has best results. Try it in 15-30 second intervals before or after a workout.

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E.M- Sports Science

The hardest thing about exercise is finding the courage to START but once your exercising regularly the hardest thing to do is STOP. make that START today!

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Calibre Fitness's cover photo


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