Local Vocals
Local Vocals is an adult choir in Coventry that has been running for 10 months. We perform various genres of music at a variety of venues across Coventry.
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Local Vocals
LV COTY 2016
The Choir of the Year journey so far. http://youtu.be/z4qBWKDm2NY
Timeline Photos
Through to the next round of Choir of the Year. Congrats all on an outstanding achievement.
LV is Three!
Local Vocals celebrate their 3rd Birthday this week. The gang are getting well into the 'Choir of the Year' rehearsals.
Timeline Photos
Local Vocals Choir Coventry
Please visit the updated Website at http://www.localvocals.co.uk. We now have a gallery full of wonderment and LV members can listen to the 'Choir of the Year' tracks on the 'Members' page.
Choir of the Year Auditions 2016 - Warwick Arts Centre
Local Vocals are auditioning for the Choir of the Year at the Butterworth Hall on Saturday March 19th. Please come and support us by following the link to book tickets. Exceptionally loud vocal support is a must! http://www.warwickartscentre.co.uk/whats-on/2016/choir-of-the-year-auditions-2016/
Timeline Photos
LV are entering the National Choir of the Year this year. The countdown begins!