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Causeway Rural & Urban Network

1st Floor, 1-5 Stable Lane, Coleraine, United Kingdom
Community organization



Causeway Rural & Urban Network is an umbrella organisation which supports a diverse range of community and voluntary groups in the Causeway Area Causeway Rural & Urban Network is an umbrella organisation which supports a diverse range of community and voluntary groups with the aim of enabling regeneration, building capacity and encouraging sustainability within local communities.



The I Can Cook It! Programme is specifically designed for those with mild to moderate learning disability. If you are involved with a group who would benefit from receiving the I Can Cook It! Programme and you would be interested in attending our two day Tutor Training course to then be able to deliver this programme, please forward a completed Application Form and a Manager’s Declaration Form as soon as possible to reserve your place on training. The next two day I Can Cook It! Tutor Training course is scheduled to be held on Thursday 27th October and Thursday 3rd November 2016 in the Mid Ulster area. The closing date for completed applications is Monday 26th September 2016. (This Training is due to be held again in March 2017 in the Newtownabbey area). Please find attached documents to help decide if this training is right for you and your group – • I Can Cook It! Information Sheet • I Can Cook it! Guidelines • I Can Cook It! Application Form • I Can Cook It! Manager’s Declaration Form Please forward this email onto other relevant groups or anyone who would be interested in becoming an I Can Cook It! tutor. If you have any other queries please do not hesitate to contact the Cook it! Team on the telephone number below or by emailing And finally, my apologies if you receive this email twice. Joanne Collinson Cook It! Development Officer Cook IT! Team, Nutrition & Dietetic Department, Braid Valley Hospital, Cushendall Road, Ballymena, BT43 6HL Email Tel 028 2563 5276 Tie 34 5276 Work Pattern – Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:15am - 5:15pm

Job Title: NACCN Development & Training Officer Duration of Post: This post is funded from 1 November 16 for 12 months With a possibility of up to a further 6 months’ subject to funding being available Salary Scale: NJC Scale 6 – £22,937.00 35 hours per week with significant evening and weekend work Location: 1 based in North Antrim Community Network. Cushendall 1 based in South Antrim Community Network, Randalstown Responsible to: CRUN Manager Reports to: Network Manager SUMMARY OF POST: The post is for a person to develop and deliver a programme of awareness raising and training to support promotion of and recruitment to the Northern Alcohol Community Champion Network (NACCN). The post holder will deliver, and facilitate others to deliver, alcohol awareness/training as well as support the development and delivery of activities as an alternative to the use/misuse of alcohol. Close partnership working across the networks and with a wide range of stakeholders from across the statutory, voluntary, community and business sectors are a key focus of this post as well as the identification and delivery of opportunities to integrate alcohol awareness into the wider health and wellbeing agenda. Application pack can be obtained by forwarding an email to Closing date for applications is Monday 26th September 2016 at 1pm. Interviews will be held on Tuesday 4th October 2016. CRUN IS A EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

Causeway Rural & Urban Network

Causeway Rural & Urban Network

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Learn how to use 3d printing technology to create your own designs with this new course at Flowerfields Arts Centre

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ARE YOU LIVING WITH ARTHRITIS? At Arthritis Care we know that when you are diagnosed with arthritis, it can be hard to cope. BUT, HELP IS AT HAND We are delighted to be able to offer you the opportunity of a free place on our Challenging Arthritis Course – a course which past participants have told us has changed their lives. The Next course in your Area Venue: Marine Hotel 1-3 North Street BALLYCASTLE BT54 6BN Commences: Tuesday 13 September 2016 Dates: Tuesday 13 Sept – 18 October 2016 (six 2.5 hr sessions) Time: 10.30am – 1.00pm Cost: FREE In a friendly and informal environment, you will meet other people living with arthritis and you will learn skills and techniques you can put into daily use to enable you to manage your condition better. This truly is an opportunity not to be missed! For further details and to secure your place, phone Yvonne on 028 9078 2940, but hurry, as places are limited.

Causeway Rural & Urban Network

Causeway Rural & Urban Network

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AGM - Everyone Welcome!

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Waste No Time Project Dear Citizen of the Causeway Coast & Glens Council “A community democracy project across the Causeway Coast & Glens Council towards growing positive relationships between citizens and their new Council.” We would like to invite you to be part of the Waste No Time (WNoT) Citizens Group. We are inviting you because you live and work in the Causeway Coast & Glens Council area and/or because you have expressed an interest in the WNoT Project. The WNoT Project has been listening and talking to citizens across the new Causeway Coast & Glens Council about what matters to local people and their ideas about how the new Council could organize itself to work well with local communities. As a Citizens Group we will working with a small theatre company to write a play using the stories, material, issues and challenges we have listened to from citizens living and working in the Council area. This play will be performed to Council and community in February 2017. We are making a commitment that we will meet four times as a group including a one night residential at Corrymeela and that this commitment will be at no expense to you. Our first gathering will be on: Saturday 17th September @2.00 – 4.00 pm in the Sandel Centre, Knocklynn Road, Coleraine. BT52 1WT. We would be grateful if you could confirm interest with Karin Eyben at the contact details below. In the meantime, please feel free to contact any of us with any queries. We hope that you will be able to take up this invitation. Kind regards Karin Eyben – Corrymeela Email: Mob: 07966202184

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South Antrim Community Network

Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2016 - Phase 3 This Scheme is funded under the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Programme. Micro Capital grants of between £200 and £1,500 are available to rural community-led, voluntary organisations for projects tackling issues of local poverty and/or social isolation. The total project cost must not exceed £3,000. Projects must clearly address an issue of rural poverty and/or social isolation and applicants must provide a minimum of 15% match funding. The scheme is being delivered by the Rural Support Networks on behalf of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. Application forms, guidance notes and further advice and information is available from the Rural Support Network in your council area, details below. Key objectives The Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2016 has been designed to: o Help rural community-led, voluntary groups to address local issues of access poverty, financial poverty and social isolation; and o Improve the lives of rural communities, and in particular the wellbeing of isolated individuals. Projects must focus on one of the following three themes: o Modernisation (of premises/assets) o Information Communication Technology (ICT) o Health and Wellbeing The Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2016 will be open for applications from Monday 5th September until 12 noon on Friday 30th September 2016. For further information about the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2016 Phase 3, please contact the Rural Support Network for your council area. Guidance Notes and Application Forms for the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2016 Phase 3 can be downloaded from your local Rural Support Network websites. If you are unable to download the Guidance Notes and Application Form, hard copies are available by e-mailing or phoning the Rural Support Network in your council area. Council Area Rural Support Network Antrim & Newtownabbey and Mid & East Antrim South Antrim Community Network (SACN) Tel: 028 9447 8645 Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon The Armagh, Down and Antrim Network (TADA) Tel: 028 3839 8888 Causeway Coast and Glens North Antrim Community Network (NACN) Tel: 028 2177 2100 Derry and Strabane Rural Area Partnership in Derry (RAPID) Tel: 028 7133 7149 Fermanagh and Omagh Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) Tel: 028 6632 7006 Mid Ulster Cookstown and Western Shores Area Network (CWSAN) Tel: 028 8773 8845 Newry, Mourne & Down; North Down & Ards and Lisburn & Castlereagh County Down Rural Community Network (CDRCN) Tel: 028 4461 2311

South Antrim Community Network

WAVE Trauma Centre Ballymoney: Psychological Trauma Course OCN Level 4 4 weeks course, Thursdays 6th – 27th October 2016 10am – 4pm Price: £75 (includes course & accreditation) WAVE Trauma Centre offers an OCN Level 4 accredited course on Psychological Trauma. This course is designed for individuals or professionals who have a good insight into psychological trauma already, or who work with clients suffering from trauma and PTSD. In recent years, psychological trauma has become a well-known term, although few know exactly what it entails. The course provides an in-depth look at trauma and the theories of psychological trauma. Participants will learn how the physical, cognitive, emotional and psychological symptoms impact on children, young people and adults suffering from trauma. There will be an exploration of transgenerational trauma and its effects. Treatment modalities will be discussed and participants will gain knowledge about the most appropriate treatment for psychological trauma. The 4 weeks course is facilitated by an experienced WAVE Trauma Training facilitator and starts on Thursday 6th October from 10am to 4 pm at WAVE Trauma Centre in Ballymoney, 13 Castlecroft, BT53 6TD. The following sessions are Thursday 13th, 20th and 27th October. To complete this accredited course successfully, all sessions have to be attended, and a substantial amount of written work needs to be done for the OCN Level 4 accreditation For further interest, please contact us at WAVE Trauma Centre, 13 Castlecroft, Ballymoney BT53 6TD,, Tel. 02827669900.

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Focus on Family, in partnership with Coleraine SureStart Partnership, invite applications for the posts of Childcare Manager To oversee the successful delivery of the Focus on Family childcare service provision The post will be funded by Coleraine SureStart Partnership and will be ongoing subject to the continuation of available funds through the Partnership, at a gross salary of £21,745 per annum (35 hours per week) and based at Focus on Family in Ballysally, Coleraine Essential Criteria Qualifications & Credit Framework (QCF) Level 5 Diploma in Childcare, Learning and Development or Playwork; or a relevant occupational qualification in Early Years Education, Social Work, Nursing, Teaching or Health Visiting AND At least two year’s proven ability of effectively managing a staff team in a play, education, youth or day care setting Childcare Bank Staff To work in the childcare setting on an ‘as and when required’ basis with no guarantee of weekly hours and at a rate of £7.77 per hour. Applicants should have a minimum NVQ Level II Qualification in Childcare or similar For an application pack, please apply in writing, specifying which post you are interested in, to: Brendan Patterson, Project Manager, Focus on Family, 11-19 Glenburn Crescent, Ballysally, Coleraine, BT52 2QR Email: Tel: 028 7032 9550 Closing date for applications is Thursday 22nd September 2016 at 4pm Late applications will not be considered Interviews scheduled to take place on Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th September 2016 We are an equal opportunities employer


NEAR Causeway Rural & Urban Network