St Peter's CE Church, Chorley
From tots, teenagers, mums, dads, grandparents there is something for everyone here at St Peter's, Come along and join us. Sunday Services
8.30am The Holy Eucharist
10.00am The Parish Eucharist
The Church's Family Worship
6.30pm Choral Evensong 3rd Sunday in the month
Childrens Sunday School - During 10am Service
Church Meeting Room - All Children Welcome to attend
Holy Eucharist 10.00am Wednesdays
Holy Baptism 11.30am 4th Sunday in the month
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facebook.comOur Monday Club held their annual Ascot race day. Winner was Edith with 66 points and the hat competition was won by Eileen.
All ready for the children's free lunches! Come one, come all.
Confirmation Course starts in October. children going into Year Six need to ask parents to fill in the form and sign it, return to the vicar by Sep 9th please. email the vicar at for the app form (see pics) if you can't download directly from here. Adults welcome, separate arrangements 😇
Chorley Kids' Free Lunches now on! If you don't know where we are: Harpers Lane , behind the church in the Hall, free car park. Also free refreshments if you need a rest! Only a few families came today, we are open 11:00 - 12noon on the days specified on the poster.
Our Sunday School had a fun and food filled party this morning as they broke up for the summer. Hope everyone has a brill summer and stay safe everyone!
Mum's 'n' Tots Teddy Bears Picnic - Thursday 17th August 12pm-3pm, we would be very grateful for donations towards Tombola and Raffle prizes (please see Julia) Everybody welcome; activities include Bouncy Castle, Hook-a Duck, Face painting, Tattoos, Pick 'n' Mix, Tombola and Raffle. Bring a picnic and your Teddy Bear, £2 per Child, drinks provided, juice, tea, coffee.
CCTV Appeal for donations: you may be aware that we have had significant vandalism and upset recently around the churchyard. (Paint thrown on gravestones, tiles damaged and abusive youths hanging around). The PCC intend to install CCTV cameras around the church exterior to deter these incidents, identify culprits and report them to the police. The expected cost of this system is a minimum of £1554. We are asking for your help, including the many visitors to graves of relatives who have been affected or made complaints, to raise this figure. If you pay tax, please consider gift aiding any donation. (See the Wardens or Treasurer. Let’s make the government help us out too!) Any amount donated will see us reach this target quickly and will be sincerely appreciated. The summer holidays are rapidly approaching and we are bracing ourselves for more incidents. You can bring donations to church, or push them through the vicarage letter box. If you require a receipt, we need your name and address please, and / or if you wish the donation to be acknowledged in the magazine. (any cheques please make Payable to St Peter’s PCC, and include a note to say it is for the CCTV Appeal) Thank you in anticipation of your generosity. The Vicar
A lovely uplifting Eucharist shared in school this morning, led by Bishop Philip
Some photos from yesterday's walk of witness