Nature Trail Nursery Chorley
Nature Trail Nursery Chorley now open, on Harper's lane.
For anymore info call: 01257 469202 or email
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facebook.comVery interesting☀️ (Copied and pasted post) The Bristol parent:
Some more photos from the park yesterday!
When going to the park with 7 little ones seems like a good idea unit the sun hats came out! On, off, on, off!!
Babies have been building!
Our first sunny picnic
Please can everyone try and remember suncream and a sun hat for over the next few days. As the weather is forecasted to be very warm! 🙊☀️🍦
On a hunt in the garden!
Good luck to all our 2018 school leavers on finding out your primary schools tomorrow 💋
On Friday's we make shortbread!! On Monday we had shortbread and fruit segments for snack, one of the Hedgehogs asked if we could make these! So that is what we did!
Baby room staff and parents have been working together to make their ‘Look who’s talking’ board. This is an ongoing board of new words spoken at home or in our setting #ParentPartnership 👫👭👬
Pre school have had lots of fun colour matching on the computer today!
Babies have enjoyed some baking today, then messy play with the cake that they made, lots of different textures!