Sam Mc Dermott Photographer
Wedding Photographers Northern Ireland
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facebook.comOn Tuesday evening Sam was walking the dog and slipped on the ice and banged the back of his head pretty hard, He spent all night in the Mater Hospital until this morning when we are told he asked to be released to go home after waiting all night awake for a transfer to the Royal that never came. He had suffered a bad concussion from the fall and still doesn’t know how or where he fell nor can he remember it or how he got got home. He asked me to post this here to let people know as Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year and offcourse sam being sam he wants to go back to work but he has been advised by the consultant to rest and take it easy for a few days. I will be helping behind the scenes to try and get everything sorted before we break for Christmas, and I’m sure Sam will update this post when he makes a full recovery. John McDermott
LAST MINUTE GIFT? Anyone you know getting a camera this year? This is perfect for them!! We have just released new dates in 2018 for our photography training courses for beginners or working photographers. Come, learn, be inspired.
When I am not shooting pictures of my stunning brides, occasionally I get on a plane!! I was hired recently by my two beautiful models who came all the way from Brazil for London Fashion Week to shoot images of them in London. We had 4 outfits all super cool looks and we had lots of fun! Here’s a small taste of what I created for them. Soon we are heading to Milan for another project which I look forward to sharing with you x #Londonfashionphotography #LFW17 #Sony #ABIPP #Modelphotographylondon #sammcdermottphotographer
Another beautiful wedding at Bellingham Castle, every wedding I have shot here has been epic! Congratulations Andrea & Eamon.
Time for reflection . . . . @oliviamuldoon1 @bellinghamestate #sammcdermottphotographer #weddingphotographernorthernireland #bellinghamcastle #sonya7rii #weddingdress #bride #oliviamuldoon #reudi
Laura & Daniel // Clandeboye Lodge Wedding
Danny & Stacey Conlon celebrated their marriage @galgormweddings and it was epic! . . . . . #sammcdermottphotographer #sonya7rii #galgormwedding #weddingphotographernorthernireland