The Lyric
The Lyric is able to accommodate breath-taking ballet and full-scale stage productions, it can also be converted into an intimate cabaret venue. The Lyric Theatre was originally the town house of the Scurlock family, and this is where Sir Richard Steele founder of The Spectator died in 1729. In 1935 the building was refurbished to seat 1,000 cinema, in the 'moderne' style with Art Deco detailing. The Lyric Cinema was empty and desolate during the period 1980-86 when it was suggested that it should be redeveloped into a theatre. A refurbishment then took place which made the building the (then) fourth largest theatre in Wales. As part of the refurbishment programme a new fly tower was built along with an orchestra pit and a backstage extension for wardrobe and dressing rooms. Within the auditorium the existing circle was considered to be too high so a smaller dress circle, with 80 seats, was built in front of the film projection box, the old circle becoming the upper circle.
In 2007 another refurbishment took place that included new seating in the auditorium and improvements to the technical facilities and back stage areas. As well as this a 1st floor was built above the dressing rooms to allow space for a large studio space that can accommodate workshops and classes as well as doubling up as another dressing room. After this project the Lyric is able to accommodate breath-taking ballet and full-scale stage productions, it can also be converted into an intimate cabaret venue with candle-lit tables to bring you exciting events such as Comedy Clubs, Burlesque nights and small scale theatre.
Roedd Theatr y Lyric yn wreiddiol tŷ tref y teulu Scurlock, a dyma lle bu farw Syr Richard Steele sylfaenydd The Spectator yn 1729. Yn 1935 cafodd yr adeilad ei adnewyddu i sinema, yn arddull 'moderne' â Art Deco. Roedd y Lyric yn wag a diffaith yn ystod cyfnod rhwng 1980-1986 pan awgrymwyd y dylid ei ailddatblygu yn theatr. Yna cafwyd adnewyddiad i theatr (ar y pryd) y bedwerydd mwyaf yng Nghymru. Fel rhan o'r rhaglen adnewyddiad fe welwyd tŵr hedfan newydd ei adeiladu ynghyd â phwll cerddorfa ac estyniad cefn llwyfan ar gyfer ystafelloedd cwpwrdd dillad a gwisgo. O fewn yr awditoriwm yr oedd y cylch presennol yn rhy uchel ac fe adeladwyd lefel mezzanine gyda 80 o seddi o flaen y bocs amcanestyniad ffilm, a’r hen gylch yn dod yn cylch uchaf.
Yn 2007 fe welwyd adnewyddiad arall lle roedd yn cynnwys seddi newydd yn yr awditoriwm a gwelliannau i'r cyfleusterau technegol ac ardaloedd cefn llwyfan. Yn ogystal â hyn fe adeladwyd llawr cyntaf uwchben yr ystafelloedd gwisgo i ganiatáu lle i ofod stiwdio fawr sy'n gallu cael ei defnyddio i ddarparu gweithdai a dosbarthiadau yn ogystal â dyblu fel ystafell wisgo arall. Ar ôl y prosiect llwyddianus hwn mae’r Lyric yn awr yn gallu llwyfannu perfformiadau syfrdanol a chynyrchiadau llwyfan ar raddfa lawn Gall yr awditorium hefyd gael ei drosi i mewn i leoliad cabaret fach i ddod a perfformiadau megis Clybiau Comedi, nosweithiau Burlesque a theatr graddfa fach.
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facebook.comWhat a wonderful night We've had at the Lyric, but don't despair if you couldnt make it as we have a lot more live music coming to take you back to the past inluding... Na nos gwych rydym wedi cael yn Lyric, ond paid teimlo'n drist os ydych ddim wedi dod oherwydd rydym yn cael llawer o cerddoriaeth tfyw yn ddod i cymryd chi nol mewn amser. Dyma rhai... Fleetwood bac Fleetwood Bac You Wing Again, Bee Gees You Win Again Jack Pack Jack Pack Super Sonic 70s Supersonic 70's Show at The Lyric Theatre Forever Jackson Forever Jackson Ron Vincent Sings Cat Stevens Ron Vincent in Concert Sings Cat Stevens Johnny Cash Roadshow Johnny Cash Roadshow Barry Steel & Friens, Roy Orbison Barry Steele Arrival The Hits of ABBA ABBA - ABBA - Arrival UK - The Hits Of Abba Pink Floyd Experience UK Pink Floyd Experience TSG Technical And many more...
FAITH This Thursday come see the leading tribute to the man the legend that was Gorge Michel…. Wayne Dilks and his 8 piece band will take you on a journey through the 35 year career of one of the most well loves artists of our time. Including Video footage form Georges 25 tour and a 2 hour spellbinding performance featuring his greatest hits. You got to have faith…. Nos Iau yma, dewch i weld sioe deyrnged i George Michael .... Bydd Wayne Dilks a'i fand yn mynd â chi ar daith cerddorol o un o’r artistiaid mwyaf ein hamser. Yn cynnwys ffilmiau o perfformiadau teithiau a pherfformiad 2 awr yn cynnwys ei ganeuon mwyaf.
A stunning celebration of one the greatest singer – songwriters of all time. Featuring international George Michael tribute Wayne Dilks and his 8 piece band. Dathliad syfrdanol o un o'r canwyr-gyfansoddwyr gorau erioed. Yn cynnwys y deyrnged ryngwladol i George Michael sef Wayne Dilks a'i fand ag 8 aelod.
Dylan Thomas CLOWN IN THE MOON Rhodri Miles Lyric Carmarthen 17th March Rhodri Miles (Holby City, Torchwood, Richard II, Eastern Promises, Game of Thrones, Hinterland, Atlantis) returns as Dylan Thomas after his previous sell-out performances of the critically acclaimed ‘Burton’, winner of the ‘Best International Show Award’ at the Hollywood Fringe Festival in 2010. Rhodri Miles (Holby City, Torchwood, Richard II, Eastern Promises, Game of Thrones, Hinterland, Atlantis) yn dychwelyd fel Dylan Thomas ar ôl ei berfformiadau canmoladwy blaenorol (perfformiadau a werthwyd allan) o ‘Burton’ enillydd ‘Best International Show Award’ yng Ngŵyl Theatr Fringe Hollywood 2010
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our telephones. We apologise for any inconveniences caused. Please visit our website on: Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn cael anawsterau technegol gyda'n ffonau. Ymddiheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleustra a achosir. Ewch i'n gwefan ar:
Urgent notice – Postponement of Owen Money Concert. Please note that due to an adverse weather forecast, Owen Money has decided it would be wise to postpone the concert that was scheduled for the Lyric, Carmarthen, at 19:30pm. We would like to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. The concert has now been rescheduled for 30th June at 19:30pm. You have the right to exchange your tickets for the new date, or to obtain a refund. You can reach our box office via 0845 226 3510, or visit us in person. Thank you very much, Theatrau Sir Gâr * Rhybudd brys – Gohiriad Cyngerdd Owen Money Sylwch, oherwydd rhagolwg tywydd garw, mae Owen Money wedi penderfynu y byddai'n ddoeth gohirio'r gyngerdd a drefnwyd ar gyfer Y Lyric, Carmarthen, ar yr 3ydd Fawrth am 19:30 y.h. Hoffem ymddiheuro’n ddiffuant am unrhyw anghyfleuster. Ail drefnir y cyngerdd yn awr i Fehefin 30ain am 19:30yh. Mae gennych yr hawl i gyfnewid eich tocynnau am y dyddiad newydd neu cael ad-daliad. Medrwch cyrraedd ein Swyddfa Docynnau ar 0845 226 3510 neu ymweld â ni yn bersonol. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Theatrau Sir Gâr
Urgent notice – Cancellation of Woman of Flowers performance. Please note that due to an adverse weather forecast, Theatr Pena have decided it would be wise to cancel the show that was scheduled for Lyric, Carmarthen 1st March at 19:30pm. We would like to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. You have the right to obtain a refund. You can reach our box office via 0845 226 3510. Thank you very much, Theatrau Sir Gâr * Rhybudd brys – Perfformiad Woman of Flowers wedi'i ganslo Sylwch, oherwydd rhagolwg tywydd garw, mae Theatr Pena wedi penderfynu y byddai'n ddoeth canslo y sioe a drefnwyd ar gyfer Y Lyric, Caerfyrddin, ar yr 1af Fawrth am 19:30 y.h. Hoffem ymddiheuro’n ddiffuant am unrhyw anghyfleuster. Mae gennych yr hawl i gael ad-daliad. Medrwch cyrraedd ein Swyddfa Docynnau ar 0845 226 3510. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Theatrau Sir Gâr
Come to the Lyric Theatre this week and support Carmarthen Youth Opera! Opening night of Guys and Dolls tonight! Februaury/Chwefror 20-24 Dewch i'r Theatre Y Lyric yr wythnos hyn i rhoi cymorth i Carmarthen Youth Opera! Nosweth Agored "Guys and Dolls" heno!