Domestic solutions
Domestic solutions All domestic chores inc ironing, dog walking, weekly shopping, deep cleans and commercial and building works, after partys etc. If there is something you would like done, just ask we do most things. Good eye for detail. Disclosure Scotland and full police checks on all staff. We clean anything but you.
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Is there something you need help with that's not listed in our services? Give us a call, or drop us a message and I'm sure we will be able to help out. We Clean Anything But You! #localbusiness #localservice #supportlocalbusinesses #community #localeconomy #cleaningcompany #commercialcleaning #domesticcleaning #befriending #housesitting #helensburgh #keyholding #milton #balloch #alexandria #valeofleven
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Did you know we also offer a befriending service? We'll take you shopping, out for a walk or drive, go for a coffee just to get you out of the house, pay your bills. Generally help out with whatever you're needs are, or maybe you just need a little help with a elderly friend or relative if you need to go out. #shopping #walking #driving #socialising #befriending #servingthecommunity #servicesinthecommunity #localbusiness #localservices #helensburgh #cardross #dumbarton #milton #balloch #valeofleven #alexandria #westdunbartonshire
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Are you a builder who needs help cleaning up when finished a job, or maybe a bit bigger, we also do construction cleaning on site...references are available on request. We clean anything but you! #constructionsites #constructionsite #constructionsitecleaning #commercialcleaning #localbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #cardross #helensburgh #milton #balloch #valeofleven #alexandria #localservices #builder #builders #constructionindustry
Photos from Domestic solutions's post
After all that shopping Springvale holiday home is summer season ready again... Even the linen cupboard is bursting at the seems.
Photos from Domestic solutions's post
When you think your done and need back up to get more lol 😂
Domestic solutions
Domestic solutions
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Have a home here? Live elsewhere? Maybe you rent your home out or just want to know it's safe and secure on your return. Whatever it is we can manage it for you to take away any worry. We'll also maintain it for you so when you come home it's just the way you left it. #housesitting #propertymanagement #property #wekeepyourpropertyclean #wecleananythingbutyou #worryfree #letushandleit #getintouch #resteasy #localbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #businessnetworking #makinglifeeasier #localservices #helensburgh #cardross #balloch #valeofleven #alexandria #balloch #dumbarton
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Domestic solutions
Remember you need to comment telling us why you think your mum should win. New page likes are coming in, but without commenting you won't be entered into the prize draw.
Photos from Domestic solutions's post
It's like cleaning the forth Rd bridge on a building site lol but the craics good so time flies.... We'll c how long this floor stays clean.😉