SlingSure & Fife Sling Library
Carry your child close and be free together! My name's Emma Gilmour and I'm a sling, or baby carrier, consultant. A full description of the services I offer is on my website,
As a BABI-registered and fully insured consultant, I am able to work with parents and their children privately to help them find a specific sling solution that works for them. The sheer variety of sling types available nowadays is wonderfully diverse, but can be a little bewildering for the beginner. I can help you choose and use a sling that will suit you and your child's needs. Experienced sling users also book consultations with me to improve carries they are using already and widen their skills further. Through Fife Sling Library, I have a wide variety of slings available for hire, enabling parents to try before they buy.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS**Official statement from Connecta - you can still buy through many retailers and I will add a list to this post when I get the chance later.** "From Presitone Ltd t/a Connecta Baby - Mon 10 July 2017. We would like to inform you that we are temporarily suspending trading. We are now relocating and restructuring our business. We apologise for this disruption. In the meantime, we encourage you to support our valued retailers who continue to sell Connecta Baby Carriers. If you have any enquiries please e-mail and one of our team will do their best to get back to you."
This looks like a fab workshop for expectant parents this weekend in Kirkcaldy!
***Baby Box Stretchy Wraps - SlingSure Workshops in Fife and Kinross *** As many of you will have heard, the Scottish Government are now taking registrations for the Baby Box, which will be available to families whose babies are born on or after 15 August 2017. This is really exciting news for many reasons, not least that a stretchy baby wrap will be included, offering families the opportunity to try this amazing way to stay closer to their newborn. Although printed instructions will be included with the wrap, I will be launching a series of regular workshops for new parents, focusing purely on tying the Baby Box wrap and with the aim of giving families that additional peace of mind that they are using it safely and correctly. If you or anyone you know will be receiving a Baby Box and would be interested in signing up for a Baby Box Stretchy workshop, drop me a line on or through this page so that I can register interest and start to plan dates and locations throughout Fife and Kinross!
**Special summer sling hire deal** Any carrier hired at one of the July library meets can be hired for the whole summer until the August meets for £24, with no reservation fee! If you'd like to reserve your carrier now, contact me to ask about availability - you only pay the hire fee to secure the reservation then pay the deposit when you collect your hired carrier. Simple! It's first come, first served so if you know what you'd like to hire over the summer, get in touch soon.. see you next week!
Last library sessions before the summer are happening next week! First come first served - reserve your carrier now and collect at sling meet... just contact me to check what's still available or come along and have a look!
**Connecta Update** Sling libraries have received the following email from Connecta..... As you may be aware, our website is currently unavailable and we are temporarily unable to trade through our e-commerce platform. We are working very hard to resolve this situation. Below is a list of our current UK retailers for you to refer your customers to, so they don't miss out. For enquiries please contact Thank you for your understanding. • All Mama’s Children, Birmingham – • Babi Pur, Gwynedd – • Carried Away Babywearing, Devon – • Carry My Baby, Leicester – • EcoRoos, Derybshire – • Grow Up Green, Newcastle – • Its a Sling Thing, Watford – • Just Keep Slinging, Severn and Wye – • Kangarinos, Merseyside – • Kid-Nap, Dumfries – • Koala Slings, Cumbria – • Little Possums, Derybshire – • Love To Be Natural, Northern Ireland – • Mama Sling, Halton – • Marks and Spencer – UK wide – • Mumaroo, Grimsby – • Petit Poppet, London – • Pour la Bebe, Hull – • SaSa Slings, Essex – •, Huddersfield – • Slinging Around, Dumfries and Galloway – • Sling Space, London – • Sling Spot, Sheffield – • Slings and Things, West Sussex – • South East Slings, Petersfield – • Wear My Baby, London –
We're here! At the back near the rides 🎉👍
Tinkerbell Tent Posse at Dalgety Bay & Hillend Gala - with Katie (ToddlerSenseFife) and Sam (BabySensory West Fife)
The stall is set up at Dalgety Bay & Hillend Gala! I can hear the parade approaching... drop in and say hi if you're here!