C & S family removals
We are a family run service, that removes all that unwanted rubbish,uplifts within 24hours, house clearance also specialise in gardening, in property maintenance at great prices, oap discounts, free quotes
CALL US ON 07818114663 :-D
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facebook.comSpaces available for rubbish uplifts from garden to house hold waste, garage and shed clearances, house clearances,ect get all that unwanted rubbish out the way for Christmas 🎄
Spaces available for rubbish uplifts this week call or tx for a free quote
We now have spaces for over the weekend and next week, we have been booked up intill now I do apologise for anyone we couldn't get booked in the last few weeks as we have no spaces available at all. Get booked in for rubbish uplifts from household to garden waste,garage clearances,house clearances,ect ect 😊 call or tx for a free quote on 07818114663
C & S family removals
Spaces available for later today for rubbish uplifts call or msg for a free quote 😆
C & S family removals
Spaces available for rubbish uplifts all this week msg or fone for a free quote 😆
Photos from C & S family removals's post
Before and after piks of some rubbish uplifts 😆
Spaces available for rubbish uplifts only today and tomorrow
C & S family removals
Spaces available for rubbish uplifts we are out and about the now so if you need rubbish uplifted call or text for a free quote 😆
We have been fully booked the last few weeks but bow have spaces available for rubbish up lifts msg or fone for a free quote 😆
Spaces available for rubbish uplifts this week msg or fone for free quote 😆
We will be doing another Compation soon so get liking and sharing our page for a change to win our prizes,🎁😆
Spaces available over the weekend 😆 just a reminder we also empty weelie bins