Mull of Kintyre Half Marathon and 10k Race
Welcome to the Mull of Kintyre Half Marathon and 10k Run FACEBOOK page. Please join us!
See for more information! Welcome to the Mull of Kintyre Half Marathon and 10k Run FACEBOOK page. Please join us!
See for more information!
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facebook.comLocal Campbeltown Courier images of the MOK Run 2017 Half Marathon that are available @
IMPORTANT INFORMATION The swapping of race numbers or running in someone else's number is STRICTLY against race rules. The committee would like to clarify that this is against and supported by Scottish Athletics Rules which we are affiliated too . The use of borrowed competitor numbers not only undermines the integrity of results, prizes and rankings issued by the sport but potentially has serious implications in the case of medical treatment to an athlete and alerting next of kin. All scottish athletes are reminded of the necessity to abide by the rules in this key area in future competitions. If evidence shows that someone has swapped or ran in someone else's race number they will be disqualified ,along with the person who's race number it was , from all future mokrun races . Thank you for your cooperation. Mokrun committee
Excited already 🏁
If you are planning on entering MOKRUN 2018 here are some dates for your diary. Junior race Saturday 26th May 2018 2pm Half marathon & 10k Race Sunday 27th May 2018 10:30 am Entries will go live Entry Central on January 7th 2018 at 9 am. Tickets for the post race ceilidh Sunday 27th and pasta party Saturday 26th can be purchased at the same time . Good luck in securing a place 🏃🏼♀️🏃🏼
Once again a huge thank you to all our MOKRUN marshals as Mokrun could not happen without you !! We are so grateful to each and everyone of you for continuing to support us every year. Thank you Ps If you have one of our new customised marshal bibs still in your possession can you please drop in with Linda at Wee Toon Sports. We decided they were more official looking than our old plastic ones but are more costly to replace. Many thanks.
A small selection of the wonderful Limecraigs road on Sunday, What a community spirit, with special thanks to Mhairi Mcmurchy and Brian for a wonderful day..XX
Has anyone read their Run ABC Scotland magazine yet that was in the Mokrun goody bag ? Great article written by Neil Turner interviewing reporter Jamie McIvor originally from the Wee Toon on Mokrun half marathon 👍🏻
MOK Run 2017 view from the beach!
MOK Run 2017 and SKSC ceilidh as filmed by the ceilidh band Ceol an Aire
MOK Run 2017 Finishing Line Photos from Raymond Hosie Photography
MOK Run 2017 start and 10k images here! Raymond Hosie Photography