Cambridge Progressive MS Clinic
Providing a multidisciplinary pathway for patients with progressive MS at the Dept of Clinical Neurosciences within the Addenbrooke's Hospital - CUH Multidisciplinary Outpatient Clinic Team
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Advanced MRI and staging of multiple sclerosis lesions : Nature Reviews Neurology : Nature Research
This Review outlines current efforts to correlate imaging findings with the pathology of lesion development in MS, and the pitfalls that are being encountered in this research. Multimodal imaging at high and ultra-high magnetic field strengths is yielding biologically relevant insights into the pathophysiology of blood–brain barrier dynamics and both active and chronic inflammation, as well as mechanisms of lesion healing and remyelination. [...]
Stem Cells Portal
New Scientist
In this observational study of patients with relapsing MS treated with AHSCT, almost half of them remained free from neurological progression for 5 years after transplant. Younger age, relapsing form of MS, fewer prior immunotherapies, and lower baseline EDSS score were factors associated with better outcomes. The results support the rationale for further randomized clinical trials of AHSCT for the treatment of relapsing MS.
Thousands of doctors trained in Europe 'may quit UK after Brexit'
Stem cell transplants may induce long-term remission of multiple sclerosis
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research approvals in 2016 : 2016 FDA drug approvals : Nature Reviews Drug Discovery : Nature Research
Daclizumab (Zinbryta)- IL-2-targeted mAb for relapsing MS gets approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Multiple sclerosis in 2016: Immune-directed therapies in MS [mdash] efficacy and limitations : Nature Reviews Neurology : Nature Research
[...] B-cell depletion is a highly effective and safe treatment option for RRMS. However, the long-term effects of B-cell depletion are still uncertain, and caution is warranted in the use of this approach until long-term safety data are available [...] [...] HSCT is a highly effective treatment for RRMS, with a profound and long-lasting impact on inflammatory disease activity. Although the treatment seemed to fully suppress the development of new lesions, it failed to stop progression in a subgroup of patients. Given the possibility of severe adverse effects and the increasing potency of new immunotherapies, head-to-head trials will be necessary to establish HSCT as a standard therapy in MS [...] [...] at least in a subset of patients, asymptomatic inflammatory CNS lesions occur years before the onset of PPMS. Combined with the fact that only 10% of all new lesions in RRMS are accompanied by clinical symptoms, these findings make it tempting to speculate that PPMS is also preceded by an inflammatory phase, and the lesions remain asymptomatic because they do not affect critical areas, are less destructive, or are few in number. This disease course would place PPMS in the same category as SPMS, with several implications [...]
Nobel Prize