WSC Photography
Photography Extended Diploma Years 1 and 2, West Suffolk College Nathan Terry (course director):
Sophie Lachowycz (photography lecturer):
Chris Thompson (lecturer):
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Hope you are all well. I'm now back. If you got any questions do give us a shout! Apart for that i hope the summer holiday project (year 1s) is going well. Year 1 students you will need a acamdemic diary. should start filling these, document your work and ideas so far.
Photography students. If you have not collected your work and grade you have until 2pm today. The next available time will be Tuesday next week. Do not attempt to collect any work without seeing me first. As I said Tuesday next week will be the next available day.
Year 1 students I will see you tomorrow between 9.30 - 4.00pm
Year 2 students, see you tomorrow! 9.30am
Ok! Hope you all had a great half term! The examiners are in tomorrow. I will be meeting with them personally – so good luck everyone! YEAR 2 Students, this Thursday 9th you will all come in and collect your work and grades. YEAR 1 Friday 10th. See you then.
NEW YORK YEAR 1. The deadline for the deposit is tomorrow.
Very well done to both year groups! The end of year show is up and looking amazing, excellent work across both groups!! Tomorrow if havent already you will be handing in your FMP sketchbooks (Journals as well for year 1 ) and typed up final evaluations the deadline is 12pm. After that we should go for Chinese , you guys can relax. I hope to see all of you that evening for the opening of the show!
Ok, Year 1 and year 2. 12pm Friday 20th is the final deadline for handing in your FMP stetchbooks and other related course work. Yout final typed up evaluations will also be handed in by that time. Year 1 students this also includes your journals and portfolios.
The Art of Condensing Whole Movies Into Single Photographs
Year 2 photo! Ofsted in tomorrow so i need all of you in and on time, 100% please! You should not plan to be out of session, no shoots and wear your badges. You are in 2.05 be there on time. Bring with you all completed work ready mount and cut out. You will be working on Final Evaluations, and preping boards and painting studio. The deadline for your Proposals is the 13th as you know! You will be with me on Friday 13th. Also you will need to treat the week beginning 16th as a full week. I need everyone in Monday 16th , Tuesday 17th , Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th, and Friday. The show opens on Friday 20th. This is a celebration of your AMAZING WORK! This is your show! Well done!!
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This is how you all (Photo 1 and 2) should be thinking for future projects. You can exhibit anywhere, anytime, anyplace! - Nat