Elsey's Gallery
Elsey's Gallery sells paintings, bespoke quality crafts and handmade prints from top UK artists and makers. The very best artists designers and makers are exhibiting with Elsey'Gallery. We stock a range of exquisite items in time for your Christmas shopping. Many of these names are new to the "Arts & Lifestyle scene" in Bury St Edmunds. The quality, care and craftsmanship of our exhibits will withstand time and fashion. We are small, exclusive and carry a stock of carefully selected pieces to suit all pockets . We will be showing paintings, prints, wood turned bowls, textiles, costume jewellery made by lamp work glass and felting techniques and a small range of bespoke unisex clothing beautifully designed and cut by Iggi at Workhouse in IP33. Come along and have a look we open on 12th November 2013.
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