OASIS Grillaz
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facebook.comGet in Touch if anyone is interested...Nice Wage, very friendly staff and most importantly we treat u as part of the family...message or contact me on the following number...07564955697...Thank You😀
Hungry people meet the new burger at Oasis Grillaz..... Dirty Grillaz burger, meat and chicken gourmets coupled together with egg n melted cheese. The taste is explicit 😁😉😀. #oasisgrillaz #fingerlickingood #homemade #secretchef #lovefood #eatfood #needfood #blessing #keepingitreal #comfort #refueling #proteinpower
This is Amina she was abandoned at the tender age of 9. For 3 years she was being sexually abused, passed around from street corner to corner, from man to man. She may be 12, but because of her learning difficulties her mind is far younger. She has no one to call her own and because of this reason she has been exploited in the most unimaginable way, sometimes not even knowing what is actually happening to her. When we rescued her she was 12 years old and unbeknown to her already 3 months pregnant. A child of 12 should be and playing with dolls not her own child. As we approaching the last few days of the blessed month, please help me to reach out to others like Amina and so many more children of the streets. Help these innocent children escape the evils desires of man. Help by donating as little as £25. Please. Together we can give them a new beginning. Please donate on the following page: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/moheenuddin or you can contact Moheen on the following number +44 7999 471176. Believe me when I say, he is one of the most Genuine Guys out there who has set himself a target to help all our Muslim Brothers and Sisters in Bangladesh. Please Share Share Share❤️❤️❤️
*HEALTHY OPTIONS* Our Latest addition to our Burger Family..Let this Burger Fuel you up and Keep that Adrenaline High...perfect for you GYM LOVERS🚨🚨🚔🚔💥💥💥😻😝 With our 100% Fresh Juicy Mouth Watering Gourmet Meat, Topped with the finest Feta Cheese, Friend Onions&Peppers, Pickles, and most importantly; Toasted in a scrumptious Bagel😝😝😍😍😍😍.. It's the NEW YORKER!!!! Come on, Give it a go!!😝😅😅😅#newyorkburger a#newyorkstyle#newyorkburgernbagel#newyorkcity#daretoindulge😈#relasetheINNERbeast# gourmetfood#healthyfood#newyorkburgernbagel#newyorkcity#gourmetfood#healthyfood#healthylifestyle#healthyeating#healthychoices#healthybody#healthkick#fetacheese#bagelburgers#friendonionpeppers. #gobiggoGRILLA😍😍🍔🍔🍔😄😄😄#oasisgrillaz👊🚨🚨🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔 #burnley# alhamdulillahforeverything❤️💕#alhamdullilah🙏🙏🙏
🚨*NEW ADDITION*🚨Are You Ready For It..NACHO's T's Burger....Periperi Fillet.. Jalapeño Bites..NACHO's.. Melted Cheese...Toasted Bun😍😍😍😍...Simply Irresistible...Dare to INDULGE😅😅😅😅 Treat yourself in the latter half of Ramadhan...and Eat Like a GRILLA👻👻👻👻...#staytuned#alhamdulillahalways❤️#peripera代購etudehouse代購 #periperigrillhouse#nachoburgers♨️✨🌮#nachos😍#nachomamas nachosgalore#jalapeñobites💘👌🏼simplyirrebristible😎#oasisgrillaz👊🚨🚨🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔#ramadhan2017 #burger🍔 🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔burgerofthemonth#burgeroftheweek#burgergram#burgerporn#burgerlife#burgerluv#weknowyouwantit#idotoo😅😅😅😅🍟🍟🍟🍟🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔💥💥💥💥💥🎺🎺🎺🎺🚀🚀🚁🚀🚀🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚔🚔🚔🚔🎼🎼🎼🎼
Knockout burger 😍😍😍😍....perfect ending to a full day of fasting 😅😅😅#knckoutburger#periperiburger#gourmet#chips#treatyourselfbetter😌#iftaaari#cannnygowrong#softbap#freshfood#perfection#peripera代購#gourmette#burgerfuel#burgerista#burger🍔#burgerbeast#burgermania #burgerofthemonth#burgerbyte😜😜👊👊🚔🚔🚔🚔💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨👮👮👮
Hi, We are open from 4:30 till 12 am Mon-Fri ....4:30 to 12:30 Fri-Sun for the month of Ramadhan....get your orders in atleast 1-2 hours before iftaari so we can make sure u get your food on time#TeamGrillaz#Onelove#Ramadhan2017#RamdhanMubarak#peaceloveunity❤️❤️😅😅😅
To celebrate the coming of the beautiful month of ramadhan we are offering 2 full baby chickens with any 2 side orders salad and sos ...all for only £9.99 !!!Peri rice or peri chips only £2.49!!!!!Any 3 "12 inch pizzas for only £9.99!!!😱😱😱😱😆😅😅😅😅....p.s hope you all have a fabulous ramadhan...from the team at Oasis GRillaz 😅😅😆😆😆❤️❤️❤️
Yesterday the boys from Oasis Grillaz went down to Manchester north west hospital to support and provide food for all those that suffered from the attack in Manchester. The nurses and doctors were overwhelmed and grateful with the support they are receiving from out of town#onelove❤️#unity#islamispeace#islamislove#islamisagainstterrorism#islamisagainstviolence#EVRYLIFEISSACRED❤️❤️❤️❤️#weastandtogether#wewillnotbeshaken#manchesterwearewithyou🙏#manchesterarena💔💔💔
On our way to Manchester north west hospital to assist the victims of the terrible incident that occurred on Monday night!! Car is packed with pizzas, burgers and drinks Alhamdullilah. One of the core principles of Islam is helping others, many people perceive Islam as a violent religion which is not the case. People forget the many positive contributions Islam has given to this society, which is solely why we are making this journey!!! "Allah helps those who help others" #ONELOVE#UNITY#ISLAMISLOVE#LOVEEVRY1THESAME#NOTAHATERBUTALOVER#TEAMGRILLAZ#MUSCLEFACTRY#ALLLIFEISSACRED❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
New BBQ halfa chickaaanooo with peri rice😍😍..#newadditions#chickenjoy##oasisgrillaz#burnley#dukebar#colneroad#healthyfood#healthyeating#healthymind#healthybody#healthyfoodporn#mmafood💪🏻👊🏻#boxing#wrestling#musclefactry#fdontthinktwice#itwantsyou#youwantittoodontlie#limitedofferonly#£3.50😊😊😊#offeronrequestonly#dontmissout🚨 🎉🎉🎉💥🚨🚨🚨🚨🚔😀😀💪🏻👊🏻
The NEW PERUVIAN PIZZA🍑🍑😍😍😍😍😍#anythreepizzasonly£9.99#ONLY£9.99!!!!😧😧😧😲😲😲🙀🙀😱😱😲😍😎