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Blitz Fitness

Buckpool Golf Club, Buckie, United Kingdom
Sports & Fitness Instruction



We love to see people bounce and become motivated.Move to the music and enjoy a great fitness experience. Never take life too seriously. Sparkle and Shine


Success Story ❤️ Ker’s joined Blitz in August last year. She has completely transformed her body. Kers is a total natural at fitness, she was born to keep fit. Kers started her own weight lose before she came to Blitz. Over the years she has lost 6 stone in weight. Kers over the past year you have grown stronger, leaner and fitter. You have taken your fitness to another level. It is a joy to workout with you. Very proud Well done ❤️

Success Story ❤️ Joyce joined Blitz in 2014 and has lost 2 1/2 stone. As you can see from her pictures Joyce has taken 10 years off. It’s an incredible success story. Joyce you approached your weight lose with determination. Your cardio levels have gone from strength to strength over the years. You are looking amazing. Very proud. Well done ❤️

Success Story ❤️ Hayley has lost 1 1/2 stone. As you can see from Hayleys pictures this weight has come off everywhere. Her weight lose has made Hayley look younger. Hayley you have destroyed your targets. You had a mission to achieve and you smashed it. You should feel very proud. Well done ❤️

Success Story ❤️ Wendy has has fitness in her life for as long as I have known her. She gives a 110% into her training and her results are proof of that hard work. Wendy you never give up, your strength and cardio have grown so much over the years 💪👍👌 Very proud Well done ❤️

Success Story ❤️ Our Lorraine started with Blitz in 2014. Lorraine lost most of her weight off her arms. You look amazing and should feel very proud of your journey. Now working as an instructor Lorraine brings a lot of fun to fitness. Lorraine your fitness sessions represent your journey, you are a real woman encouraging people to enjoy keeping fit and to never take life to seriously. Very proud. Well done ❤️

Success Story ❤️ Leanne joined Blitz a year ago and has dropped an incredible 4 1/2 stone. What a difference a year can make. Leanne you have worked very hard, I know it was hard to walk through the Blitz door but you did it. You have shown strength, consistency and will power. Incredible story Well done ❤️

Success Story ❤️ Fiona’s body shape has completely changed. The most improved area, is Fiona’s stomach. Determination and consistency has been the fruits of her labor . Fiona started with Blitz in 2014 and has strived from her efforts. Well done Fiona, you should feel very proud. “Fiona feels 10 years younger”. And I have to say “I have to agree “ 😘😘👍👌

Success Story ❤️ Our very own Wee Nat. I’ve worked with Nat from the start. She is a warrior but also a true diamond. Her fitness journey is incredible, once a size 14 and is now a size 8. Her aim is to help build as much muscle in the world as possible 💪💪 She is a completely different person and it’s been an incredible journey to watch. To the next 4 years honey ❤️❤️ Well done ❤️

Success Story ❤️ Trez started with Blitz in 2014. Taking a short break, Trez got back into the fitness world and lost an incredible 3 stone in weight. You look fantastic Trez and you should feel so proud at what you have achieved over the years. Well done ❤️

Success Story ❤️ Daniel started with Blitz in 2014. His journey is mind blowing. Daniel has lost a total of 4 1/2 stone in weight. Daniels attitude to his weight lose is incredible. You look completely different. Your leaner, fitter and should feel extremely proud. Well done ❤️

Success Story ❤️ Suzanne started with us in May. She started keeping fit 14 months ago. 2 stone off 👌👌👍👍😘😘 Every week Suzanne gets fitter, stronger and another step closer to her goals. Your before and after pictures are amazing. Well done ❤️

My journey - Before and after pic. 3 stone off. I would like to encourage you to post up your before and after pictures 🙂🙂


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