Top Local Places

Cogley Wood

, Bruton, United Kingdom
Landmark & Historical Place



Cogley Wood is a 60.7 hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest east of Bruton in Somerset, notified in 1987.The name is believed to be from cock ley meaning a clearing with birds.The wood is situated on the eastern slopes of the upper reaches of the Brue valley, with several of its tributaries having their sources in the wood which is made up of two extensive areas of species-rich, semi-natural ancient woodland with an exceptionally rich butterfly fauna.The trees include ash, pedunculate oak, wych elm and wild cherry. Beneath them are dog's mercury and common bluebell. Other plants of interest include greater butterfly-orchid and meadow saffron.36 species of resident breeding butterflies have been recorded including marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia), high brown fritillary (Argynnis cydippe), brown hairstreak (Thecla betulae), Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina) and purple emperor (Apatura iris).


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