Killing It Ltd.
We are a socially responsible media outlet with a focus on raising the raising the profile of under reported yet important social issues.
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Gender equality is an issue that everyone needs to focus on, that includes men. The UN is running a campaign called #HeForShe. You should take a look and show your support.
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"I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free" - Rosa Parks #internationalwomensday
... The Current System, Too Entrenched
So James has posted another article on his site where he discusses the problems with the status quo regarding the raising and public discussion of socially important issues. Its a bit of a lengthy read and in the future he has promised to try and keep them a bit shorter, but he got on a bit of a ramble. We would be very interested in hearing your thoughts or comments on the piece.
Unborn Artists
An excellent way in which a small Belgian marketing agency ( is providing opportunities for pregnant mothers and their unborn children to raise funds to aid the fight against infant mortality during the birthing process.
Five Hot New Ways Young People's Lives Got Worse This Week
An interesteing piece on the abstract ways in which future generations are bringing their issues to the forefront of discussions.
At the moment, the site is under construction, however you can keep up with our progress by folowing the ramblings of our founder, James. His writings are accessible at The next few months will be a rollercoaster, but we wil be sharing progress and inspiration both here and at James' site. If you have any feedback please send it to us. It is all very much appreciated.
Killing It Ltd.'s cover photo
Killing It Ltd.