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Pretty Sweet Cakery

Brook Road, Bristol, United Kingdom
Grocery Store



Bespoke home baked cakes for every occasion Bespoke designed cakes for any occasion. Using the best possible ingredients for the best tasting home made cakes!



Morning!!! This cake for little Nyla (Noo Noo) on her 6th birthday. Very specific request from the birthday girl for a mermaid cake so this is Nyla as her mermaid alter ego!! Loved the way this cake came out - especially the tail 🌊

I’ve been a bit quiet with the posts recently as it’s been so busy with cakes, consultations and quotes and wot not. Time to catch up! This first cake for a lovely couple on their diamond wedding anniversary! Featuring an edible picture frame of the happy couple on their special day 60 years ago and decorated in a bas relief style topped with edible diamonds!! Congratulations - 60 years loved xxx

Awww for all my upcoming wedding cake customers... particularly love the idea about the song request on the rsvp ❤️🎵

For the lovely Gemma on her 27th birthday, ordered by her bestie Lindsay - where would we be without amazing Friends??? Hope you are relaxing on your sofa Gem with the box set and a big tub of ice cream (and not a hangover in sight 😉)

This year we celebrate 100 years of women getting the vote. I was honoured to be asked by the women’s networking company Women Mean Biz to create a cake celebrating the right to vote and their 10th birthday last week. The balloon used to signifying that when we achieve great things we pave the way for others to follow. Extremely tricky cake this one with lots of planning before hand on structure as it had to travel well whilst being 2ft tall! And sooo difficult to get a good pic!

Micheal has a serious nugget addiction so this completely sweet version of his favourite snack was perfect for his birthday last week! Loved making the nuggets and ketchup! Hope the birthday boy had an amazing day! (Design found on internet)

For F1 fanatic Andy on his 50th birthday- tyre cake topped with Lewis Hamilton’s 2017/2018 season replica helmet!

Made for the cutest little man a couple of weeks back - all handmade and edible - ka-chow!!!

Evening all......this week I have been quoting on quite a lot of different cakes - all sorts of designs and sizes and to be honest the quoting is the most horrific part! I constantly second guess myself and always feel like i need to justify my prices. It’s not often that I get accused of being too expensive (in comparison to some cake makers I’m rather reasonable and I have rather lovely customer to boot!) and there will always be someone who can make it cheaper (but not necessarily to the same quality or standard) I do feel though that a lot of the time it’s simply due to people not understanding the huge amount of time these bespoke cakes take so I thought I would share this little pic which popped up in my feed. Have a look - perhaps work out from the hours taken how much you would earn at your day job in the same amount of time and hopefully it will give a little insight into why your cake is more expensive than that one you can buy in Tesco - or you will just wonder why the hell anyone would want to do this for a living - here’s a hint, its for the look on your face when you pick that cake up and are ecstatic! And of course to help pay those bills just a little :-)

This cake was made a couple of weeks back for my lovely little niece on her 10th birthday!

For a lady known by friends and family as Marge on her 60th birthday. This cake features all her hobbies including her beloved Bristol City, jive dancing, and travel she is also learning Spanish, enjoys nights out watching comedians and really loves a good old cup of tea! My original pics of this cake are lost somewhere in the cloud so these pics were snapped quickly when the cake was collected!

In the crazy Christmas rush I completely forgot to post this cake I made for an 80 year old who is mad on lawn bowls and flying model aeroplanes!!


Close up of birkin handbag cake #birkin #sugarroses #cakehandbag

Close up of birkin handbag cake #birkin #sugarroses #cakehandbag

Most expensive handbag in the world made in cake #birkin #cakehandbag #sugarroses

Most expensive handbag in the world made in cake #birkin #cakehandbag #sugarroses

Vegas themed wedding cake

Vegas themed wedding cake

Xtra tall sprinkles baby shower cake with a rainbow inside!!

Xtra tall sprinkles baby shower cake with a rainbow inside!!

Pretty things book cake...

Pretty things book cake...

Bespoke celebration cakes made with love in Bristol, UK

Bespoke celebration cakes made with love in Bristol, UK


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