The Piercing Co.
Proffesional and friendly piercing studio in bridgend town.Internally threaded titanium as standard.Aseptic technique.15 years experience.Fine jewellery.Walk ins.
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facebook.comJust a reminder that i will be closed tommorow, pop in today for any piercing needs!
#thepiercingco #piercing #philtrumpiercing #phiktrum #medusa #medusapiercing #upgrade #titanium #internallythreaded #bridgend #clawset
#thepiercingco #scapha #scaphapiercing #bridgend #titanium #internallythreaded #ear #flower #piercer #piercers #pretty #earpiercing
@thepiercingco #thepiercingco #surfaceanchor #dermalanchor #piercings# bridgend# project #pretty
This saturday the piercing co will be closed as i am in london, so pop in before then for your jewellery/piercing needs. sorry for any inconvenience caused.
And now for something a bit different. 2.4 segment ring in a daith. Had fun doing this. #thepiercingco #daith #2.4daith #earpiercings #bitdifferent #piercing #piercings #bridgend #bigdaith #piercers #bridgend
The piercing co is back open today :)
I will be closed today due to the bad weather. hopefully i will be back open tommorow. happy snow day!
The piercing co will be open today untill 1.30 due to the red weather warning and will then have to close. Updates to follow.
lovely upgrade on this healed diath with a triple gem cluster hinged segment ring from @qualitibodyjewellery #thepiercingco #qualitibodyjewellery #bridgend #daithpiercing #bodypiercing #piercing #piercings #titanium #earpiercing
#thepiercingco #conch #bridgend #southwales #earpiercing #conchpiercing #gemclusters #internallythreaded #titanium
This saturday (17th feb) The piercing co will be open at 12:00. sorry for any inconvenience!