Sam Webb Barbers / Bridgend&Llanharan
All information for both shops will be on this page. A pinned post for address & contact info for Llanharan or you can send us a message.
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facebook.comSam- I’m in as normal this week... Off Monday - Friday next week, back in on the Saturday 💈 The Shop is open as normal. All information is in the picture, thank you 💈
Who’s taking part in our keep up challenge? Now until the end of May.. Winner gets a free hair cut ⚽️✂️💈
Something a little different done today after work by Sam. A women’s hair cut! Nice to show some diversity in our skill set. Learning Women’s hair also has paid dividends in my Barbering career ✂️💈
3 Barbers on all day today and tomorrow. Queues will get through quicker 💈💈
Beard done today 👌🏼✂️💈
Shop information*** Monday - Rob 💈 Tuesday - Sam 💈 Wednesday & Thursday - Sam & Rob 💈 Friday & Saturday - Sam, Rob & Megan 💈
We will be stocking our very own beard oil range at the shop! Come in and give it a try 👌🏼 First Barber Shop in Bridgend with their own range of products #LeadersNotFollowers ✂️💈
Curly textured cut, done by Sam today ✂️💈
We are in the process of changing the shop around a bit. We now have 3 work stations on the one side and the other side will be seating. We are getting new seating made for us in the next couple of weeks to fit more people. But we have the sofas there in place for now ✂️ Remember, 3 Barbers on tomorrow. Cuts with Meg are 5 pound, thank you ✂️💈
A few flat tops done by Sam. Bringing the old style back 👌🏼 Not many Barbers in Bridgend can do these cuts ✂️💈