Bridge of Earn Institute
Keeping members of the community informed about what's happening at the Institute. Clubs, events and updates on committee meetings can be found here.
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facebook.comENGLISH TUITION FUNDRAISER If interested please PM Bridge of Earn Institute with your students name and exam stage, head the message TUITION - limited places available. My son’s English Tutor, Head of English at a high achieving local school and SQA exam marker, has proposed doing a Tuition session as a fundraiser aimed at students approaching their Nat 5 and Higher English exams. This session will consist of an hour of guidance and tuition on exam questioning techniques followed by an hour of answering individual questions and 1-2-1 guidance. This session will be priced at £15, normal tuition is charged at £35/hr, and all funds raised will be for the Bridge of Earn Institute.
ENGLISH TUITION FUNDRAISER My son’s English Tutor, Head of English at a high achieving local school and SQA exam marker, has proposed doing a Tuition session as a fundraiser aimed at students approaching their Nat 5 and Higher English exams. This session will consist of an hour of guidance and tuition on exam questioning techniques followed by an hour of answering individual questions and 1-2-1 guidance. This session will be priced at £15, normal tuition is charged at £35/hr, and all funds raised will be for the Bridge of Earn Institute. If this interests you either as a parent for your child or as a student please post ‘interested’ below. Once we see the feedback we can decide if it’s worth going ahead. Places may be limited and by posting ‘interested’ below won’t guarantee you a place, it will be first come first served when the actual date and time has been decided. Thank you, the Committee, BoE Institute.
Unfortunately due to another evening of intrusions the Institute will now be locked between classes and activities, even midweek. Yesterday evening, between 7.30pm and 8.30pm, teenage boys were seen hanging around the Institute and also seen entering the building. Later the gents bathroom window was found wedged open, possibly to allow access once the building was locked up. Today the Moncrieffe Room was found to be littered with rubbish and sweetie papers. If you are a hall user please make sure you know the key code to gain access for the future. Thanks.
Please come along and support your local community. The upkeep of these Defibrillators is essential. Who knows when you might need to use one!
On a few occasions the Institute has been opened up and left unlocked by an unauthorised person. We are aware that many one off hall users will know the key safe combination and be able to gain access. If this is the case please ensure you lock the institute up afterwards. From now on the key safe combination will be changed on a regular basis. The Institute will remain locked when not in use due to the ongoing problem with unauthorised activity within the premises. Thanks.
😁******THANK YOU!!!******😁 To all those who worked hard to put together last night's excellent event, Lindsay Kennedy and Shirley Anderson for making stovies with the generous tattie donation from Branstons, Brig Taxis for providing other ingredients, all of those who donated raffle prizes and last but not least The Carloways for a fantastic evening of entertainment. We hope all of you who attended enjoyed yourselves and we're pleased to announce that the event raised over £1000 towards the refurbishment fund. We hope to have more events coming up, watch this space!
Once again the Committee have been notified of teenagers entering the Institute and using the Moncrieffe Room. We do appreciate there are limited places for our young people to hang out these days however please can we ask that parents let their teenagers know the Institute is not a place to be used for this purpose? Thank you.
The Committee regret to announce that the decision has been taken to close the hall at weekends, unless a specific booking has been made. Several users alerted us to problems and mess this weekend; toilets deliberately blocked, cupboards open and contents scattered, items taken and moved from rooms. It is not clear if this was caused by those using the hall or if access was gained in between lets by individuals who had no business being there. Until now, the hall has remained unlocked during the day to allow access to the public toilets. It is unfortunate that this can no longer be the case. It will still be possible to book and use the hall at weekends but this will need to be strictly managed. Thanks to those who do use the hall and leave it as they have found it.
We're pleased to announce that the upcoming fundraiser is now sold out!! Looking forward to an excellent evening.
*******DONATIONS NEEDED******* We're looking for donations of raffle prizes for the upcoming fundraiser on the 16th February. If anyone has any suitable prizes please comment, message or let one of the committee members know. Thanks!!!
Tickets are selling fast so please get in touch to reserve yours!
Another fantastic fundraising event to put in your calendar. Tickets available from most committee members or leave a comment on this post.