Islamic Cultural & Educational Association
Madni Jamia Masjid
101 Thornbury Road
West Yorkshire
Tel: 01274 66 79 86
Charity Reg: 1058664 AIMS
To promote the advancement of the religion in accordance with the doctrines of Islam
To advance education and religious education in accordance with the Islamic Beliefs
To provide facilities for recreation and leisure time activities
To provide Dawah & to reach out to Muslims and non Muslims
Expand Services by acquiring additional land and further develop community links
Establish Education and Resource Centre in particular for Women and Elderly
Interfaith Dialogue & Community Cohesion
Raising awareness about Islam and Muslim community
Stronger Partnership with Statutory organisations
Help raise education attainments in the local area
Help reduce Crime and Disorder in the local area
Engage with Young Adults
Tell your friends
facebook.comAslamoAlaikum Madni Jamia Masjid Madrassah Thornbury Road is closed today (28th Feb 2018) given the bad weather conditions. Please continue to check Facebook/ICEA website for further updates for tomorrow. Please take care and be safe if you are leaving your homes today. Duas
As Salaamu Alaikum, Here is your March 2018 Madni Jamia Masjid, Bradford, Namaz timings. You can save/download the Namaz times onto your mobiles, giving you access to namaz timings on the go. InshAllah. Don't forget, clocks go forward one hour on Sunday 25th March 2018. Jazak'Allah Khayr
The sad truth is some people can hate you for no apparent reason. They can dislike you without a cause. These are tests that the Almighty wants us to go through. Remember, people don’t control your destiny. He does!
The beautiful Golden Hateem lamp & the Ka'bah.
*as forwarded* Found this post and thought I will share. As Salaamu Alaikum A concerned sister writes "Being the witness to Janaazah’s in the last few weeks, the behaviour of our women in the community is absolutely appalling". Having sat close to the Mayyit’s, whilst the ladies closest, those who sit nearest to the Janaazah’s observe silence, unfortunately the rest of the women who attend - DO NOT! The amount of noise, the chit chat, at times EVEN laughter! Astaghfirullah! Have we lost our common sense, courtesy and Adhab?? If you have come to pay respects, then do so! Sit quietly, recite a Surah Yaseen, recite Surah Ikhlaas, or the Shahadah and make Du'aa for the Marhoom. While the Janaazah is still in the house, the women are busy gossiping! Checking who wore what...Surely if you are there out of concern for the family / friends then you should understand that the last thing the family want is to hear constant chattering! The family is grieving, for Allah’s sake show some respect for the Janaazah & grieving family. Many times when it the Janaazah has left for the qabarastaan, it is an important time for the Marhoom as the Azaab of the qabr is taking place. Reciting Surah Yaaseen is what the Marhoom requires. Under the ill guise of "let me greet" takes place the minute the Janazaah is picked up. We find many talking loudly and excessively, laughing and greeting this one and that one. If it's so pertinent to greet make a point of visiting the person you haven't seen in ages. Then comes those who start dishing out the food as though that is the most important thing. Have Sabr and think of the grieving family. At this point food is the last thing on their mind. They are thinking of their loved one facing their Creator - Munkir and Naakir as well as their questions. Mayyits are there to pay respects, read and beseech the Almighty for Magfirah for the Marhoomeen. My humble request that this message reach as many as possible, kindly forward. It is not my intention to offend anyone but rather to educate our women. May Allah accept from us all and grant all Marhoom’s Jannat ul Firdous Inshaa Allah" PS: I have observed that the men standing on the pavements and in driveways talking about worldly things too. Please brother's bring along your Kitaabs and tasbeehs. Inshallah by me using this platform I truly hope that when my time comes for my mayyitt those that attend make dua e maghfirat for me, Aameen. This post is a reminder for myself as well.
No matter how good you are, people will plot & plan against you. But with Allah on your side, you've nothing to worry. Allah is the Best Planner!
Masjid Al Haramain & Masjid Ey Nabvi Allah swa call us to your beautiful blessed cities off Makkah and Madinah, make it in our destiny that we do ziaraths off the most scared place on earth. Ameen SumAmeen 🙏 Ya rabil alameen
As Salaamu Alaikum, Here is your February 2018 Madni Jamia Masjid, Bradford 3, Namaz timings. You can save/download the Namaz times onto your mobiles, giving you access to namaz timings offline, InshAllah. Please share for all to benefit. Jazak'Allah Khayr.