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Tatty Bumpkin Rutland

Morton, Bourne, United Kingdom



The Bendy, Giggly World for Clever minds and Strong bodies..
Yoga-inspired, music & movement classes for children to encourage creativity & development.



49 Phrases to Calm an Anxious Child

Oh dear looks like a rainy Easter! Here are some useful tips for helping children to calm down when tensions are running high. Tatty Bumpkin likes tip 3. “Let’s pretend we’re blowing up a giant balloon.” Pretend to blow up a balloon with your child, making funny noises in the process. Taking 3 deep breaths and blowing out reverses the stress response in the body – slowing the heart rate. And tip 48 “Help me move this wall.” Hard work activities, like pushing on a wall, can relieve tension as they stimulate the ‘proprioceptive sense’ which helps to ‘organise’ the brain.

Photos from Tatty Bumpkin Rutland's post

What a lovely end to the term, lots of brilliant bunnies and crunchy carrots have been made, and lots of giggles and cuddles have been had. Have a fantastic Easter everyone, see you for our fun sessions next week!

Photos from Tatty Bumpkin Rutland's post

Timeline Photos

Tatty HO received a great, supportive visit today from Amanda Gummer of the Children's Activity Association (CAA) As a result Tatty Bumpkin are proud to announce we have achieved the CAA's Silver Accreditation. It's essential parents are given that 'peace of mind' on the quality of their children's activities. Now we are aiming for GOLD!

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Tatty Bumpkin Rutland

Are you looking for a new challenge, or know someone who is brilliant with children?

Tatty Bumpkin Rutland

Easter Fun Club

Booking forms for the Easter Family Fun sessions are available now, don't miss out!

What's On 4 Little Ones - Award Voting in the 2016 What's On 4 Junior Awards

Exciting news!! We have been nominated for: Best National Baby & Toddler Development Activity (newborn to 2 years) sponsored by: Konfidence Can I ask if you love Tatty as much as I do then please vote for us! (look for Tatty Bumpkin). Voting is now open - go to the following link to vote:

Experts Say You Can Soothe Cranky Babies By Doing THIS With Their Feet!

We give our babies a little foot massage as part of the Baby Bumpkin 'wake up' routine, and I experienced reflexology for the first time last week - it was amazing! Give it a try on your baby, or yourself!

Full report: Jane Hesketh

This news piece is from Great Wood Farm Early Years Centre, I am in there on Friday mornings. How amazing does it look?! I always love my time in the Squirrels room.


What a brilliant idea to showcase your little ones art work, and easy to change over too!

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The babies had a great time in the grass this morning before doing our bunny hops!

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Red Deer Rangers

Had a great first session this morning with the Red Deer Rangers, lots of lovely bunny hops and spider crawling going on! And lots of encouragement for each other for those who were not too sure about 'having a go'! Looking forward to next week already!

Red Deer Rangers

Tatty Bumpkin

Why do people love Tatty Bumpkin classes? Watch this to find out!
