Big G's Gym
Opening Times:
Monday-Friday - 9am-9pm
Weekends - 10am-4pm
No excuses Edgworth and Surrounding areas, a gym is on your doorstep!
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS⭐️ Big G's Gym Open Day this Saturday - 24th March ⭐️ Come and join us at our open day next Saturday. Lots going on including: 👟 Personal Trainer taster sessions 👟 👟 Metafit and Insanity classes👟 👟 Treadmill dash 👟 🎨 Crafts to keep the children entertained 🎨 And 🍕delicious wood fired pizzas! 🍕 ⭐️ Amazing PRIZES to be won too!! Nespresso coffee machine worth £349, family portrait sessions with award winning photographer Joy Sullivan, £30 Giuseppes vouchers, 2 hour clean from Bang Tidy Cleaner's, £100 of Vouchers! ⭐️ EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
Crazy Filter.. On a serious note, I've heard some people have said my videos are intimidating to the 'novice' trainer. I don't upload these pictures and videos to intimidate anyone or suggest I'm doing exercises that no one else can do! I put them on to show you what I do. I run and always have run specific to my clients needs. If you're a novice and haven't used a gym/or struggle for motivation and ideas, I will speak with you and work at whatever level you're at! At the moment this is the training I feel is best for me to achieve what I want to achieve. In short, I can tailor a programme to fit anyone's needs, from novice right the way through to experienced gym user. Have a great day! #tailormade #programming #personaltrainer #personal #workatyourpace #nointimidationintended 😊
Take a virtual wander through my gym. 😁 Special thank you to @246photography for their fantastic video skills. If you're around the Edgworth area, come check us out! #biggsgym #promotionalvideo #edgworth #local #gym #bestgymintown
Prepare, Produce, Philter 😂😂 The three P's! Make sure to follow this sure fire rule to ensure maximum gains.. (PS: I know the spelling on one is wrong) RIGHT THAT'S IT... Compounds are getting a good rammin for the next phase of training #compoundmovements #hardwork #cleanandpress #rightthatsit
Opening at 12 today through to 8pm 😊
Due to the bad weather, the gym is now closed for the day. We will attempt again tomorrow at 9am!
Scaring @jax_cz when you arrive at work is too easy 😂😂 #scaredycat #gym #morning #biggsgym
The dogs getting involved with the summer hype HIIT to burn off the winter podge for Summer Beach season 😂 Canon arm on G btw... #doggies #sprints #hiitworkout #dogs #dogsofinstagram #meltthatfat #canonarm
Pre opening today.. Bouncy Thursdays 😁🤪😉 Chooooooon! #gym #bouncy #thursday #wakeup #choooon !
Exciting times up here! The futures bright, the futures Big G's! 😜😂 #fitness #eliminatingexcuses #2017fitnessgoals #BigGsGym #bestgymintown

Big J at Big G's!! 71 and still working harder than a lot of people in their 30s!! My dad's a machine 💪🏼😜 Nice little hour of PT followed by a trot down the road with the dog, a brew and a chill Not many can say that happens while they're 'working'?! 😁 #fitnesshasnoagelimit #family #qualitytime #dad #son #thowdcodger 😂

Office work gets me like 😩 Got to be done though! This business isn't going to grow itself 👊🏼👊🏼 #officework #notmyforté #gottobedone

Mango Smoothie, refreshing and so tasty 😁😁 Fresh from Big G's Larder. The recipe book that gives you healthy ways to eat well 😁 Thank you to @acslater84 for your help writing this 😁💪🏼 Included with every 6month sign up (when paid up front - OFFER OF 6 MONTHS FOR THE PRICE OF 5 ON NOW!) Also included with a bulk sign up for Personal Training or one of our proven Compound Training Courses (check out @compound12fitness for more info) #healthy #healthyfoodchoices #smoothies #fitness #biggslarder #recipebook #healthyeating #eatcleantraindirty #BigGsGym #bestgymintown

Weeks go so fast! I can't believe it's nearly 2 years since I built this.... If you're thinking of changing jobs, or anything else to make you happy, go and do it!! I did! 😊 If you're thinking about getting fitter in 2017, don't hesitate.. Give us a call - 07890626690 #doitnow #dontprocrastinate #2017fitnessgoals #wecanhelpyou #BigGsGym #bestgymintown

Stuck for a great (and beneficial) Christmas present?! Either for someone else or yourself! Look no further than a voucher for 10 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS at Big G's Gym. We have already sold a good number of these! I have got a few more slots available though to help you shed those extra calories taken in over the festive period! I will even throw in a healthy eating recipe book with each order (worth £25) When our plans are followed, we can GUARANTEE results! Get in touch to grab yours! Merry Christmas! #usefulgifts #fitness #shedtheexcess #calories #personaltraining #guaranteedresults #healthy #eating #merrychristmas #xmaspresent #BigGsGym #bestgymintown

That look you give when you really don't want to train but your brain makes you... Those sessions you didn't want to do are usually the most satisfying post workout 😊👌🏼 Just Pull Ups and Dips today followed by a Spin 🚲 Simple primal movements testing body weight strength. I always incorporate these even when bulking 💪🏼😁 #determined #trainthroughthepain #dips #pullups #spin #ifyouregoingtodoitdoit #fitness #instafit #bodyweight #biggsgym #bestgymintown

We made it!! Took 18months but I'm very pleased to get past 1000 likes on FB 😊 Thank you to everyone for your support! It really is appreciated. Onwards and upwards! More things in the pipeline, watch this space 💪🏼 #landmark #newideas #BigGsGym #bestgymintown
