Easter Denhead Farm
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facebook.comПървите кандидати за сезон 2018 вече са одобрени. Новите кандидати могат да получат подробна информация и отговори на въпросите, които ги интересуват на тел. 0044 7440 076 682 или info@jneill.co.uk. Не чакайте последния момент 🍓 The first applicants for season 2018 have already been approved.New candidates can get more information and have any question they may have answered on 0044 7440 076 682 or info@jneill.co.uk. Do not wait until the very last minute and apply as soon as possible 🍓
Grandma March Day (or simply Baba Marta, Bulgarian: Баба Марта) is a holiday celebrated in Bulgaria, on March 1st.Martenitsas, usually in the form of a wrist band, small yarn dolls, or tassels, are created by combining red and white coloured threads and are worn on that day and throughout the month of March. They are worn until a stork or a blossoming tree is seen, symbolizing the coming of spring, warmer weather, and well being. Once the stork or blooming tree is noticed the Martenitsa is taken off and hung on a tree. It is common in the spring to see trees covered in Martenitsas. Older Bulgarians call it Birch Month as it is around the time that birch trees start growing leaves and giving sap. There is a great amount of folklore about Grandma March Day and the character of Baba Marta herself. The greeting exchanged on this day is Chestita Baba Marta (Bulgarian: Честита Баба Марта English: Happy Baba Marta), often shortened to ЧБМ on greeting cards. There are various theories, suggestions, and even several legends involving real historical figures about the symbolism of the red and white colors from which Martenitsa are made. An obvious explanation, and perhaps a common belief people share, is that "red" stands for "life/birth" and "white" denotes "anew/on clear grounds". Combined together they mean "newborn", "rebirth", and "a new beginning"; a celebration of life and survival. Another popular explanation is that white stands for wisdom and red for good health, which means that anyone giving you a Martenitsa is wishing you both throughout the year.
Easter Denhead Farm ви пожелава прекрасен празник! Наздраве ❤️❤️❤️
Easter Denhead Farm is wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day! Nothing makes one's heart smile more than sharing this special day with their loved ones ❤️❤️❤️
Здравейте скъпи приятели! Easter Denhead Farm 🍓 започна подготовка за новия сезон 2018. Ще се радваме да ви помогнем с полезна информация и с попълването и оформянето на документите за кандидатстване. Във връзка с това, в периода от 31.01.2018 до 04.02.2018, организираме няколко срещи в гр. Хаджидимово и селата Абланица, Слащен, Беслен и Теплен. Моля предайте на всички, които по някаква причина няма да могат да присъстват, но биха искали да кандидатстват за работа, да пишат на имейл адрес info@jneill.co.uk, или да се обадят на телефон 0044 7440 076 682. Бъдете здрави и до скоро! Hello dear friends! Easter Denhead Farm 🍓 has begun preparation for the new season 2018. We will be more than happy to help you with useful information about the documents and how to apply. In connection with this, during the period from 31.01.2018 to 04.02.2018, we are organising a few meetings in Bulgaria, in the town of Hadzhidimovo and the villages of Ablanitsa, Slashten, Beslen and Teplen. Could you please tell everyone who would like to apply for a job, but for some reasons won't be able to attend our meetings, to email us to info@jneill.co.uk, or to call 0044 7440 076 682. Looking forward to seeing you!
Merry Christmas, everyone! Have a lovely festive time! Best wishes for a happy Christmas time! 🌲🎁
Днес е много специален ден в Denhead Farm .Нека пожелаем на Katy and James щастлив семеен живот, изпълнен с много любов и прекрасни моменти <3 <3 <3 Today is very special day in Denhead Farm. Let's all wish Katy and James a happy family life, filled with lots of love and happiness <3 <3 <3
Сезон 2017 е към своя край!Няколко месеца, изпълнени с много емоции и, разбира се упорит труд, за което изключително Ви благодарим! Желаем на всички приятна почивка и прекрасни празници, споделени с любимите хора. Надяваме се да се видим отново следващата година! Бъдете здрави и щастливи! Season 2017 is coming towards its end. These last few months were filled with emotions as well as hard work, of course, which we are very grateful for! We wish you all a well-deserved rest and a lovely festive season with your dearest ones! We hope will see you again next year! Best wishes to all!