Music Service - Services for Education
The Music Service is one division of Services for Education (S4E), a not-for-profit charitable company (No. 114848) We have worked in close partnership with schools for more than sixty years in supporting and enhancing music education for all pupils through our extensive programme of high quality support delivered by our specialist instrumental, vocal and classroom teachers.
We can provide expert tuition on more than thirty instruments in a range of styles and cultures – see our teaching and learning pages for information.
Our specialist support ranges from individual instrumental lessons to lessons for whole classes (WCIT); opportunities for pupils to make music together from the very beginning of their learning through to our nationally acclaimed Central Ensembles ,
These opportunities, including the long term loan of all instruments, are part of the additional value offered to schools who buy the services.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS[repost with additional footage] Another fantastic evening of music. Thank you to our young musicians, parents, friends and supporters for such a great weekend of music making.
Highlights from last night's Viva Vocal concert. Excellent performances all round. We are now looking forward to welcoming another set of performers to the Adrian Boult Hall at 6pm this evening.
Photos from Music Service - Services for Education's post
A look back at 14-15. Every week we now teach over 35,000 children across the city and representative of it. There is more to be done. However, Music in Birmingham is not the preserve of those who can afford it.
Today we're working in partnership with the 14 Music Services in the West Midlands providing singing workshops at Symphony Hall. Looking forward to our secondary schools singers later tonight. Singing is alive and well in the West Midlands!
Ebacc and A-level measures are elbowing music out of the school curriculum | Letters
It is a great shame to be witnessing the impact of this in our schools. Rest assured, we will be here to work with schools to support their young people despite an intense preference for a restricted curriculum materialising across the UK.
Timeline Photos
Dear friends, colleagues and supporters. One of our woodwind teachers had their flute stolen from their home on Saturday evening. It is extremely upsetting for any musician to lose an instrument and we are trying to help. Could you keep your eyes on the lookout for a "Powell" flute. This is an open hole handmade silver conservatory model (not gold as in picture) with B foot joint and offset keys. It is inside a black hard case like the one in the picture, and also had a black leather soft case with thin handles in the middle of the case. Inside were also cleaning rod and cloths. Serial number HC-2317. Please share!
BSWO presenting Miss Saigon- A Symphonic Portrait. It really is hard to believe that this is our young people performing to such a professional standard. Bravo!
Photos from Music Service - Services for Education's post
Superb concert tonight, taking us around the world, through the centuries and celebrating the range of diverse ensembles we have. It's so nice to see so many promising young clarinet players coming through.....and topped off with such a professional performance for the wind orchestra. Video to follow.....
Timeline Photos
Looking forward to our concert at 6pm tonight at The Adrian Boult Hall, featuring many central ensembles and a large clarinet choir comprised of over 50 young players who have been coached during a clarinet instrument workshop today.
Four sell out concerts this week in partnership with the CBSO. Many schools availing of the free ticket offer for all Y7 pupils in the city. Our young people in schools deserve to hear the wonderful orchestra we have on our doorstep. This audience of children were a credit to the schools in attendance, listening and learning in the magnificent Symphony Hall. Bravo!
An inspiring performance by the Perry Beeches Trust Choir, accompanied by one of our great vocal teachers, Clyde Ford. Tonight's performance celebrating the life of Dr Martin Luther King at Birmingham's Town Hall. Really committed singing - Bravo!
Clarinet players from across the region collaborate on SPARKS - our development programme for advanced musicians, led by the musicians of the CBSO at the CBSO centre. Final performance at 4.30pm if you wish to attend. Free entry.