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facebook.comSalafiSounds: An Explanation of The Three Fundamental Principles - Al-'Allāmah Ahmad An-Najmī Rahimahullah by Abu Idrees
NEW: A Clarification from Ahlus-Sunnah in the UK (approved by 'Allāmah Shaikh Rabee’) regarding the reviling of Salafis with the term Sa’āfiqah: بيان طلبة العلم والدعاة ببريطانيا حول فتنة الطعن في بعض السلفيين بأنهم صعافقة اطلع عليه الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي قبل نشره ورضي به وقال نفع الله به Please read and spread.
SalafiSounds: @AbuKhadeejahSP - ‘The reasons why people refuse Tawhīd and persist upon Shirk – Part 5’ : Lessons in Aqīdah and Da’wah of Shaikh Sālih al Fawzān.
Bulugh al-Marām: @AbuKhadeejahSP 'Menstruation: touching, kissing, and the yellow-brown discharge.'
الحمد لله رب العالمين، وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين، أما بعد Allaah, The Most High, sent down the Qur’aan as a guidance for mankind, in order to take them out of darkness into light, and to guide them to the correct way. It is likewise a mercy for mankind and a cure for their sicknesses – both inwardly and outwardly. [ 3,496 more words ]
@abuiyaadsp: A Refutation of the Doubts and Diversions of the Muṣaʿfiqah in Denying the Role of Wisdom, Justice and Foresight in Criticism and Refutation
In this khutbah, @AbuKhadeejahSP cites narration after narration in defence of the scholarship, honour and integrity of Shaikh Rabī’ Ibn Hādī and Shaikh ‘Ubaid Al-Jābirī from those who belittle their trustworthiness by claiming, ”They are surrounded by evildoers and Sa’āfiqah.” SalafiSounds: @AbuKhadeejahSP - 'Speaking Against the Scholars is a Pathway to Destruction'.
SalafiSounds: @AbuKhadeejahSP - "The Sahābah were Reviled by Those who wish to revile the Prophet - And it is the innovators who revile the Scholars." - Sharhus-Sunnah al-Barbahārī lesson.
@AbuKhadeejahSP tweeted: "To say that Allāmah Rabī’, Allāmah Ubaid and Shaikh Al-Bukhārī, “are all surrounded by evildoers, Sa’āfiqah and Haddādīs, so cannot be trusted in their judgements” is a revilement of the Scholars of Hadīth and Salafiyyah — whoever utters this foul saying is a Person of Desires." By such sayings, they desire to remove the trustworthiness (i.e. the adālah and thiqah) of the Scholars of Hadīth and Sunnah from the minds of the Salafi youth. An age-old plot of the deceitful, "A trait we know well from Akhzam"!
A busy morning here at the stall in B’ham today, with some very interesting conversations. We’ll be here until 6pm calling to the worship of Allāh alone & explaining the correct Islāmic position on the ideology of deviant groups such as #Isis & #AlQaeda
Introduction: Ibn Hajr in Bulūgh Al-Marām wrote a chapter entitled "The Chapter of Hadānah" (or Hidānah). The intent of this term is the protection of children from harm, to establish their cultivation, and to give them the attention and care they are entitled to. That is because the Islam is a religion of mercy and goodness - children are not left, abandoned or neglected when the mother and father are separated, either by their deaths or through a divorce. [ 1,551 more word ]
2018 Islamic Summer Courses in Toronto, Canada.