Framework Foundation
Framework Foundation is a charity and was established early in 2011 to raise funds for good causes. Framework Foundation will be carrying out one major event each year, and various other fundraising activities on a regular basis.
The events will be enjoyable and they will be fun. We like to involve not only the active participants, but their friends and family too. There will often be associated social activities, and we hope that by fundraising in this way, as many people as possible will join us in raising as much money as we can for our nominated causes.
The charity’s largest corporate sponsor is Framework (Specialist Works) Ltd and many of the staff participate in regular payroll donations. They are also encouraged to get involved in our charity runs and golf days, along with ongoing work through the year helping the charity to succeed.
Every penny raised through sponsorship and donations will go to our causes. The administration costs of running the charity are met by Framework and associated companies.
Teenage Cancer Trust & The Hospice of St Francis are our major beneficiary. Further contribtions are made to other worthy UK causes.
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