Glenveagh School
The Official Facebook for Glenveagh School, Belfast. Also view our website and watch us on You Tube
Tell your friends
facebook.comHello all pupils and parents. We hope you all had a fantastic summer break and that our pupils are ready and looking forward to returning to school. New intake pupils will return on a staggered basis - the Junior Dept HOD, Franceen, will have informed you already but we can get this information to you again tomorrow. All other pupils start on Monday 2nd September. With regards to transport arrangements, Brendan and his team at the EA Transport Dept are working away on this and letters are in the process of going home to you. We very much look forward to seeing all our pupils and to having a fabulous 2019/2020 year at Glenveagh🌈
Hi folks, we hope you have had a well deserved relaxing summer break and are fully charged for your return to work tomorrow. Full time staff start at 9am with all other staff starting at your normal times. Staff meeting in the hall at 10am sharp and then class based work for the rest of the day. We look forward to seeing you all🌈
Read Peter's story
A huge thanks to our music therapist Janet and her husband Peter who is running a half marathon to raise much needed funds for music therapy in Glenveagh. See below for link to make a donation. Don’t forget to gift aid it! 🏃🏻♂️🌈
Look who we spotted when stopping off for a bite of lunch in The Cloth Ear after a hard morning’s shopping in Belfast. It was a privilege to be served by this young man. We’re very proud of you Jack 🌈
Last day of Summer Scheme 2019
Summer Scheme 2019
Summer Scheme 2019
All staff working the Glenveagh summer scheme (including EA redeployments from other schools) please note if you are not working transport then the start time on Monday morning is 8am to facilitate induction. You will be paid the extra time. We are looking forward to yet another fun filled scheme for our pupils and staff, and much needed respite for our parents, which we COULD NOT do without you amazing EA employees giving of your time. Thank you 🌈
So folks, today ends another fab year at Glenveagh. We wish you all a great summer break and will see you again on the 2nd of September for a brand new academic year. We wish our leaving students the very best as they start their new chapter in life (but don't be strangers!). For 125 pupils our summer scheme starts this Monday. Please be aware that buses may come to you a little later than they do during the school year. This is because passenger lists change during the scheme and also some drivers have to go to to the depot to pick up equipment on Monday morning. Please avoid phoning the school before 8.45am on Monday. Please ensure you send in a break item and a packed lunch each day (unless the Assistant Leaders inform you otherwise). Also please ensure you have sent in sun cream and sun hats labelled with your child's name as we cannot supply or apply - no sun protection, no outside play or outings 🌈
Photos from Glenveagh School's post
J1 enjoyed a lovely day out in the sun at the new Stormont Park. This was Lauren’s first outing of the school year with her friends from J1.
Someone is excited for the summer holidays...🌈😎
Getting in the spirit #stpatricksday #stillatwork #rollon3pm

Casting my vote last May #tibetanterriersofinstagram

Children in Need #childreninneed2016 #superteam #happyfriday #goodcause #funtimes

Your vote doesn't count if you don't Instagram it 😉 #pollingday #stormont #election #voteorbeagoat

Nothing like a bunch of flowers to brighten up a windy Monday ❤️ #keeper
