Top Local Places

The Dark Horse

30-34 Hill Street, Belfast, United Kingdom



Tasty Soup, Delcious Salads/Sandwiches
Homemade Scones
Luxury Tray Bakes
Fresh local produce
Smooth in the quarter
Milkshakes & Smooties


Sunday afternoon in The Dark Horse was a bit different this week. It was spent scraping & scrubbing paint off walls & windows that had been vandalised overnight. Now I'll be the first to challenge anyone grumbling about 'The Youth of Today' or 'mindless thuggery', but it's hard not to be disheartened when some people go out of their way to cause damage like this. They cover their faces & slope about when there's nobody around. They throw paint about showing zero artistic talent, no skill, leaving no message or thought provoking reflections. Just damage. So I guess it's no wonder thy don't want to be identified. Compare & contrast with the unassuming street art geniuses who work quietly & often under the radar of most of us. Their work brightens Belfast, it gives us something to talk about & think about, encourages us to reflect, gives us something to be proud of & of course something to smile about. So folks this is why the gates to the courtyard might sometimes be shut, or why our prices sometimes go up. I might sound like I'm on my soapbox here - but sadly it's true that the actions on an inconsiderate few impact on the respectful majority. Thanks to all of you who continue to support & enjoy The Dark Horse, Duke of York & Harp Bar.

The second night of this Open Forum is taking place tonight, come on down & enjoy a post work drink in the sunshine of Commercial Court & join in the conversation. See you later

Congratulations to Jenna & John - 10 out of 10 doors! That's commitment

Proud to support Pride

It's beginning to look a lot like Pride! 🌈

How's this for a cracking photo?! William 'the unsung hero of Belfast', have you ever wondered how the cobbles are always so clean & the geraniums leaping out of their baskets? There's more goes on behind the scenes here in Commercial Court than you could ever imagine...

And now for something completely different...

Let me tell you about today in The Dark Horse. It was one of those days where I'm reminded that this special little coffee house in the historic 'Half Bap' area of the Cathedral Quarter in Belfast isn't just a coffee house, it's a community. Today We proudly started stocking MacIvors Cider, award-winning Cider made from 100% natural ingredients using traditional techniques by a family business in Armagh. A proud grandfather shared pictures of his brand new grandchild. Businessmen & solicitors held meetings with clients over one of our exquisite locally blended Lusso coffees. Tristan from the BBC interviewed passersby about what they would do if they ran the country for the day. The gentlemen of 'The Monday Club' enjoyed their morning tea & scones. Staff started signing up for the upcoming 'RowAMarathon' joining 13 other companies to raise funds & awareness for Bowel Cancer UK. Preparations were being made for a mid-week wedding reception. A caramel latte & birthday caramel square (complete with candle) was delivered to Judith in The Duke. We met a lovely group of American travellers who really appreciated & respected our Irish Whiskey tradition, & the minestrone soup. A lady dropped by to rehome part of a classic Irish Whiskey collection into The Friend at Hand. Another BBC film crew filmed a documentary about local inventors. A regular customer grabbed a precious half hour in a window seat enjoying a book & a pot of tea with fresh lemon. A band member of Snow Patrol called in for a bowl of soup. The lads were hard at work taking down our flower baskets to replace with Commercial Court's iconic geraniums. We met another fantastic group of tourists whose flight home had been cancelled giving them an extra day in this fabulous city. Christine became the first person to enjoy MacIvors Cider in The Dark Horse. A tour group called in to see the Game of Thrones Door. Another tour group dropped in to see the murals. Enquiries were made about hosting a christening, a retirement party and a 40th birthday party here. A bespoke drinks menu was ordered in for a wedding party. Christine enjoyed another MacIvors while her friends tried Hilden's Belfast Blonde. Another regular celebrated releasing his new album. A Bride & Groom arrived to take some photographs of the place where they first met. All this & the week has only just begun. Thank you to everyone who makes this place so special. You know who you are.

Amazing idea - a wedding donut wall! Well done & congratulations Mr & Mrs Duncan


NEAR The Dark Horse


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