Woodvale Presbyterian Church
Our Church is located at the junction of Woodvale Road and Ballygomartin Road in North Belfast, Northern Ireland. Our Church is located at the junction of Woodvale Road and Ballygomartin Road in North Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The building was first opened in 1899.
Many changes have occurred in the area over the years. But the Church still stands, a home to the congregation and a witness to the area.
The story of the congregation has been told in two booklets. The first was written in 1959. It was called "Treasure in Earthen Vessels". The second was written to mark the centenary of the congregation in 1999. It was called "Great is Thy Faithfulness". Some of these are still available for purchase.
Should you ever wish to visit the congregation you will be made very welcome. We generally have two Sunday services. The morning service begins at 11.00am. We provide a cup of tea or coffee before most of our morning services (September to May). The evening service begins at 7.00pm
Our church also provides a wide range of activities and 'groups' throughout the week.
Please find us on Twitter for recent updates: https://twitter.com/WoodvalePCI
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facebook.comWoodvale Presbyterian Church
Be great to see you. Come when you can, go when you have to.
John Bunyan (author of THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS) wrote a book called A HOLY LIFE: THE BEAUTY OF CHRISTIANITY. In it, he explains the implications of PSALM 93:5, “… holiness befits your house, O Lord, for evermore” and of 2 TIMOTHY 2:19 “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.” How can we leave sin behind us? Here are nine of Bunyan’s extremely challenging but biblical suggestions: 1. Remember that God sees you. 2. Remember that God's wrath burns against sin. 3. Remember the damage and distress it has brought to countless people. 4. Remember how Christ suffered because of it, in order to deliver us from the power of it. 5. Remember that those that are now in hell-fire went there because they loved iniquity, and would not depart from it. 6. Remember that claiming to be a Christian is not worth a penny if those who make such a claim do not depart from iniquity. 7. Remember that your death-bed will be very uncomfortable if your conscience is clogged with the guilt of your iniquity. 8. Remember that at the judgment day Christ will say, “Depart from me” to those who not have not departed from their sin and iniquity. 9. Lastly, remember well, and think deeply about what a blessed reward the Son of God will give on that day to all who have named the name of Christ while living a holy life.
Saturday 24th August 2019
Thanks to Brian, the folks at Extern, and all participants for today's event in Woodvale Park. It was good for WPC to be represented and to meet/make friends. To all who prayed for our witness this afternoon - we thank God for you.
NI voiceless
The Presbyterian Church in Ireland is supporting this silent protest.
Boys, boys, boys ...
Thanks to Jonny and Martine for this video record of part of our July outreach when we were joined by young people from Richhill Presbyterian Church.
FROM OUR PSALM FOR TODAY, 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. FROM SPURGEON Much can be done by man; he can both labour and watch; but without the Lord he has accomplished nothing.
Please keeping praying for the work of United Beach Missions! Wonderful afternoon sharing the Good News of Jesus with the children and adults on the beach! Please pray for: Good weather! More spiritual conversations! And that God is preparing hearts! - Rachel 🙂
Celebrating Christmas morning with some tunes and beats at Church, can't beat a bit of Hark the Herald Angels 😙 💕🎄💒🎼🎶🎻🎹 🎅👼😊 . 👼👼🎄🎄 Happy Christmas to everyone today and have a peaceful new year; "For unto us a child is born, His name shall be called wonderful counsellor, the mighty God the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6 🎄🎄👼👼 #Woodvale #woodvalechurch #woodvalepresbyterian #woodvalepresbyterianchurch #praiseband #praise #worship #worshiptheking #harktheheraldangelssing #ocomeallyefaithful #comeandjointhecelebration #onceinroyaldavidscity #thatdescantthough #descant #church #drumsandflutes #drummerandflute #drums #flute #couple #fiancé #engaged #husbandandwifetobe #christmas #merrychristmas #isaiah9 #love

#gbdisplay #2016 #faith #daughter #lucia #neice #captain #elaine #woodvalechurch ❤️🏆👭
