Cotton End Pre-School
The official Facebook page for Cotton End Pre-School, Cotton End, Bedford.
We are a small, friendly, experienced team based at Cotton End Primary School. Small, friendly village pre-school.
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facebook.comHope everyone had a good break and we look forward to seeing our little hedgehogs back to Pre-School tomorrow. This term we will be learning all about down on the Farm and hoping to have some visitors drop by, some of the four legged variety. 🐖🐑🐎🐓
Just want to wish all our little hedgehogs and their families a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the Pre-School Team.
Can I be any prouder of my little Hedgehogs today, they did a fab job at their Christmas Performance.
Timeline Photos
This is how our children should feel everyday.
Cotton End Pre-School's cover photo
Cotton End Pre-School's cover photo
Cotton End Pre-School's cover photo
We are heading into our last week of the Autumn Term, where does the time go? We will be having lots of Christmas fun this week, with the Christmas Performance on Wednesday morning and the Party on Thursday Afternoon with a visit from someone special, sssshh you know who!!
Christmas is upon us and Father Christmas will be here very soon. Our children are very excited to announce they are doing a Christmas Performance that will be held at Cotton End Baptist Church on the 14th December at 10am. Please keep this date and time free to come along and support them.
Just a reminder that Children in Need is tomorrow and we would like the children to come dressed in something spotty or stripy. Please do not worry if your child has nothing to wear that is spotty or stripy as the staff will be offering face painting for the children to have spotty faces. Please could you let us know on arrival if your child is not able to have face paint.
BBC Children in Need
Cotton End Pre-School are supporting Children in Need on Friday 18th November. Please could children come in something spotty with a £1 donation, all proceeds going to the good cause.
Cotton End Pre-School