Nichola Hawes Aesthetic Clinic
Here at Nichola Hawes Aesthetic Clinic, we offer highly effective treatments including:
Lip fillers.
Chemical Peels
Dermal fillers
Facial contouring
Registered Aesthetic Nurse
I am a fully trained and experienced Aesthetic Nurse, specialising in anti-aging cosmetic treatments for women and men.
Treatments include:
- aesthetic injections to smooth frown lines, crows feet and smokers lines.
- treatment of hyperhydrosis (excessive underarm sweating)
- dermal fillers; cheeks, lips, nasolabials, marionettes etc.
- Chemical Peels
Initial consultation is free.
Please contact Nichola for more information.
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facebook.comBefore and immediately after. A good example of a nice subtle lip enhancement without going big.
National No Smoking day- Cigarette smoke causes wrinkles, uneven dull skin, age spots.
Lip filler doesn't always mean BIG lips. It can simply smooth and define lips. (Bottom photo) Top photo shows Leza's journey with under eye filler, cheek filler, PRP facial and lip filler. Leza loves her volumous lips and her beautiful dewy skin.
Please remember that botox does not necessarily mean frozen. Lots of clients simply want to look fresher and less tired but still have a little movement. Discuss the look that you would like at your consultation.
Love it when I get messages like this from my clients!
Tired of feeling tired, no energy, low mood. Offering Vit B12 shots in the clinic to help combat these symptoms.
Tired, dull or uneven skin? This is a good time of year to get a Chemical Peel. Peel away those dead skin cells, uneven skin tone and release your fresh glowing skin.
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