April Alexandra Nutrition
Naturopathic Nutritional clinic based in Northern Ireland.
Focusing on personal, preventative healthcare that promotes optimal health and wellbeing. Personal packages created and tailored to suit individual needs.
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Opening Hours
- Tuesday
- 10:00 - 14:00
- Thursday
- 16:00 - 21:30
- Saturday
- 14:00 - 17:30
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Happy bank holiday Monday. _______ Wishing you all a beautiful, love filled day. Fill your cup. _______ #bankholiday #slowmotion #breakfastforone #peace #relax
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Happy bank holiday weekend. _______ 4 days off and the flow consists of #sleeping #eating #reading #friends & #yoga ♥️ _______ Wishing you a beautiful few days of rest & recharge. _______ #recievership #rest #reading #spreadlove #downtime #yoga #bankholiday
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Consume natures foods- Purchase less packaging - Always aim for a rainbow. You will not go wrong. _______ Happy Tuesday. _______ #realfood #nocrap #lessplastic #organic #supportlocal #donteatcrap #livefood #livebody #lifestyle #inputoutput #energy #eatwelllivewell #nutritionist #northernirelandhealthandwellnes
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Are your pillars of wellness in place? Have you got a grasp & true understanding of what YOUR body needs on a daily basis? _________ I have understood my entire life the importance nutrition has on our physical health. As I grew older & delved deeper, I began to understand how this also impacted our emotional health in truely transformative ways. It is by far the foundation that all else should be built upon. I don't say this as I have devoted my life to this research, I say it because it is absolute common sense. How we fuel the most precious possession we will ever own should be a top priority. If it isn't, something needs to shift. Your self worth needs addressed. _________ What true, optimal nutrition is for you, will not be the same for your partner & that is something that needs to be understood from the start line. We are unique, each gene you hold can be switched on or off by the use of nutrition that works for you. Frightening to think, right? Frighteningly fantastic in my opinion. _________ I get asked alot about the latest fads, what the new book on 'x' recommends & how that 'x' in the morning increases your cognitive fuction etc. for a week. Whilst all this can be true, you need to know your own base line first. You need to sit down and really discuss each system in the body & how it is functioning. You need to get honest with yourself. Only then is it time to build a lifestyle that suits you. ________ Good nutrition is great. Personalised nutrition can be life changing. _________ #nutritionist #foodmatters #ditchthefad #gethonest #ditchthediet #foodfreedom #foodmatters #health #genetics #micronutrients #cellularnutrition #personalisednutritionplans #changeyourlife
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"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard & valued. When they can give and receive without judgement and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship" - Brene Brown. _________ When setting up my business I was not sure of everything but I was sure of one thing and that was and still is my ethos. Healing requires connection, it requires trust and it requires an exchange of energy. It's not a one way street and I make clients aware of this. I can support, provide the framework, help you lay the foundations but then we must build the levels upwards together. Give every person your best. ________ My clients are pure gold. There is nothing I love more than forging that connection that allows what may seem like magic to unfold. _________ Happy Sunday. _________ #brenebrown #connection #energy #exchange #love #loveoverfear #support #learning #nutritionist #guthealth #hormonehealth #wellbeing #adrenalfatigue #holistichealing #beyourbestself #clientfocused #care #livewithintention
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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" - Eleanor Roosevelt. _______ A beautiful morning spent at @stranbelfast with lots of passionate new students getting ready to embark on a beautiful adventure. _______ Feeling nostalgic and grateful as I reflect. This is where is all began for me many moons ago. I was told I was mad, that I wouldn't be successful running a business, that going back to education was crazy ... I heard it all and of course, part of my brain listened. But when the passion overrides all else, nothing will stop you on your journey. _______ Thankfully now I am part of a fantastic team that supports people following their dreams, both is private practise and in teaching. Everyone's dreams are magical and everyone simply needs that little hand to hold as they climb the ladder in achieving them. _______ Love over fear. Anything is possible, you just need to surround yourself wisely. ________ Happy Saturday beautiful people. ________ #dreambig #loveoverfear #nutritionist #coach #happinessexplorer #support #livewithintention #lifestyle #livethelifeyoulove #passion #health #wellness #believeinyourself #tribe #education #clientfocused #love #ireland
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Surround yourself with people that want the very best for you, in all areas of your life. _______ One example of a beautiful client message I recieved at the start of this week after just one week of working together. After some foundation changes, this gentleman is already rewiring his system, moving from strength to strength. I am so delighted and very excited for the next progression. ________ As a practitioner I want to meet you where you are at, support whilst peeling back any layers (physical & emotional) that are not needed whilst embracing this new chapter & level up, one step at a time whilst we create a lifestyle you love on a daily basis. Working with someone who understands that no system is individual, someone that adores each person's unique & beautiful needs & someone that genuinely wants the very best for you - this is priceless & is the difference between a quick fix and a long-term, lifestyle optimisation. Healing requires energy, energy from you and all those that surround you. Choose your path wisely. ________ Messages like these & many others this week make all the years of dedication more worthy than gold. Happy Wednesday. Strive for you best you. _______ #clientfocused #results #livewithintention #life #lifestyle #nutritionist #wellness #happinessexplorer #health #coach #bethebestyou #love #ireland #nojobtobig #support #positivechange
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"Gratitude is the ultimate state of recievership" - #joedispenza . _______ The more we practise it, the more we open our hearts & minds to all the possible opportunities. Tried & tested. To experience a new outcome in life, we must shift the gears. What we ingest physically is important, yes, but what we ingest emotionally & the habits we create is crucial. Sometimes you need to rewire your hardwire & that is ok. ________ For me, it was this moment, this beautiful image right before me outside my gym. How could I not be grateful for this. ________ Tell me, what are you grateful for today? The more you truely feel it, the more surprised you may feel. Stay open. ________ Happy Tuesday. ________ #gratitude #recievership #joedispenza #love #appreciation #stayopen #openheart #possibility #selflove #bethebestyou #ireland #health #wellness #liftup #beyou
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Everyday brings new opportunity. The opportunity to make new, beneficial choices that mould your life. ________ Happy Monday. Wishing you a beautiful week. ________ #mondaymotivation #newday #newweek #nutritionist #coach #liftup #knowyourworth #maketimeforyou #beyourbestself #ireland #coastlife #lifebythesea
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Home is not a place, it's a feeling. _______ Words I have come to fully understand & appreciate in the past 3 years of my life. Who we surround ourselves with can be the making or breaking of our health & happiness. This begins with surrounding ourselves with a person we love dearly, that number one person is ourselves. Love (easier said than done at times) needs to begin with us & ripple it's way out. This is when we can meet people where they are, embracing all that they are & loving unconditionally. ________ Reflecting on the past 6 weeks and all the beautiful people I have had the pleasure of being surrounded by, new friends, old friends, people who speak my language, people who don't. Each person has evoked that feeling of 'home' & many times I have been miles & miles from physical 'home'. ________ Back in the Irish sea this morning filled with much gratitude for all that has been & all that may come. All the beautiful people that fill my life on a daily basis, near & far. ________ Happy Sunday. Surround yourself by those that love you for all that you are & all that you are not. _________ #love #health #homesweethome #homeisnotaplaceitsafeeling #irishsea #coldwaterswimming #community #friends #wellness #family #gratitude #recievership #spreadlove #keepitreal #naturephotography
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"Sometimes when our life falls apart it is because it is not held together with consciousness, it is held together by illusion, and so it crumbles, and what is left is actually a clearer vision of what is real and of value. So many have found their life path only after what they had formerly perceived as their life crumbles to dust. In other words, it is the illusion of our life which crumbles, leaving reality in its place." - Max Storm. ________ For anyone that might be struggling, anyone needing a helping hand & a heart hug. Rest assured, greater days are just around the corner. Trust the process, trust your heart, follow your own trail & live the life you love. You will disappoint others perhaps, but not yourself. ________ Happy Friday. ________ #maxstorm #alifeworthbreathing #beenthere #livewithintention #followyourheart #love #findyourself #beyourself #youareenough #peelbackthelayers #whole #gratitude #selfbelief #nofilter #northernirelandsunset
Photos from April Alexandra Nutrition's post
Red rice salad. ______ A beautiful, wholesome rice salad that is perfectly paired with yesterday's salad dressing (see previous post). Delicious warm or cold so perfect for work lunches or speedy evening sides paired with another favourite food, such as plant protein, fish or meat. It is so versitile. _______ Cook your red rice, roughly grate 6-8 large carrots, chop 4-5 spring onions, dice 2 red peppers, chop 3 large handfuls or coriander & mix in a bowl. Cover this salad immediately with the dressing posted yesterday & place in the fridge. The longer the dressing is soaked up by the rice dish ingredients the more delicious it is. Top with coriander to serve. ________ Such a beautiful dish that I urge you to try. Eating well is so simple when you embrace it & allow yourself the freedom to experiment with whole- food, energy giving ingredients. This dish welcomes any other raw vegetables you wish so feel free to work with what you have. _______ Everybody is more than able to create delicious, nourishing food. Sometimes you just need the little nudge to do so. This is today's gentle nudge. You got this. _______ Happy Wednesday, wishing you a beautiful one. _______ #recipes #simplefood #wholefoods #organic #cookmore #fromscratch #ricesalad #naturalingredients #nutritionist #naturopathy #fuel #guthealth #hormonehealth #malehealth #femalehealth #mindandbody #holistichealing @ Holywood