Volunteer Connect
Promoting volunteering & community transport throughout Cherwell: Call us on 0300 3030125/6 or drop in at Banbury CAB to find out more.
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facebook.comCitizens Advice North Oxon & South Northants
Well done to all our colleagues from Banbury CA - FANTASTIC - we are all very proud to know you!
Wolf Run - Spring 2017 for Citizens Advice North Oxon & South Northants on MyDonate
Come on give them some support! https://mydonate.bt.com/events/nosnwolfrun/423392 Thank you.
Wolf Run - Spring 2017 for Citizens Advice North Oxon & South Northants on MyDonate
Watch out the NOSN Wolves are coming - enthusiastically supported by their trusty St Bernard helpers! Do support them if you can - https://mydonate.bt.com/events/nosnwolfrun/423392 Thank you.
Citizens Advice
Take a look at the video and see how by volunteering for Citizens Advice, and being trained so that you are equipped with the knowledge and skills - you really can make a difference to people's lives.
Citizens Advice North Oxon & South Northants
Our colleagues at Citizens Advice can really help you understand and sort out your energy bills - remember to bring your recent bills with you if you go and see them!
Citizens Advice North Oxon & South Northants
Watch out - there may well be a shark about - ask Citizens Advice for help if you think you have been caught by one. Don't get carried away by Christmas spending and leave yourself prey to a shark.
Citizens Advice North Oxon & South Northants
Remember - look out for the bus tomorrow!
Bicester volunteer job club at the Library, Bicester Friday 14/10/2016 10:30 - 13:00hrs. All welcome.
Banbury College Job Fair - today, Tuesday 11/10/2016 10:30 to 14:30 All welcome.
Village Bus - The Rise, Adderbury 12/10/2106 13..30 - 14.30 Mill Lane, Adderbury12/10/'2016 14.30 - 16.00 For: Citizens Advice, Age UK, Cherwell District Council, and Volunteer Options.
Citizens Advice North Oxon & South Northants
A real help if you have difficulty using public transport and can't easily come to visit Citizens Advice
Job Fair at Bicester Library. All welcome. Come along to dicuss available vacancies with employers. Wednesday 28th September - 5-7pm.