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Ballyroney Presbyterian Church

Tierkelly Hill Road, Ballyroney, Banbridge, United Kingdom
Religious Organization



We meet to worship God each Sunday at 11.50am. Everyone is welcome so please come along.

Justified by Grace alone, through Faith alone in Christ alone. Ballyroney Presbyterian is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) and is part of Iveagh Presbytery.

Ballyroney is situated in County Down, Northern Ireland close to the town of Rathfriland.

Our Minister is the Reverend Russell Edgar and the Clerk of Kirk Session is Mr. Colin Murray.

The Presbyterian form of Christian faith is best described as 'Reformed' with its strong emphasis on the Sovereignty of God, the Kingship of Christ and the authority of the Bible.

The word 'Presbyterian' describes the form of the Church government which emphasises the individual and corporate responsibility of members. Ministers and members share in the organising and running of every aspect of the Church's work.

The preaching of the Word of God is central to Presbyterian worship services that are set amongst a mixture of prayer and praise. There is no fixed liturgy in Presbyterian services of worship. Prayers and hymns, psalms and paraphrases, Scripture readings and sermons are adapted to the needs of the occasion.

The best test of the Presbyterian Church and its members lies in what their faith compels them to do for others, not just what has been done for them as individuals.



BIBLE STUDY CANCELLED! Hi Everyone, due to current weather conditions and not knowing what the next few hours will bring we have decided to cancel tonight’s study and rearrange it for later this month. Please LIKE and SHARE this post with others

SERMON PODCASTS Hi Everyone, we have now got our back catalog of sermon podcasts since Russell arrived now onto our iTunes (Search for Ballyroney) and sermon website ( Here is the link the the last sermon online, this is our new series through the 10 commandments. Please feel free to share these sermons with friends and family. Like, subscribe and comment below if you have any feedback for us. Every Blessing Ballyroney Social Media Team

GIRLS' BRIGADE CANCEL!!! Due to adverse weather conditions GB is canceled tonight (16th Jan). Please take care on the roads

Congratulations to our GB Seniors who played last night (Friday 12th) in the GBNI Dodge Ball finals. They played exceptionally well and showed great team work. Well done to all involved.

Coffee Morning on Saturday 27th January in aid of Ballyroney Girls' Brigade funds. A prayer room will be available during the coffee morning.

SUNDAY 14TH JAN @ BALLYRONEY Why not join us for our morning worship as we continue our study through the 10 Commandments?

SUNDAY 7TH JAN @ BALLYRONEY This Sunday sees the start of our new series through the 10 Commandments. Come join us, as we explore what these mean for us today as the people of God. Our service starts at 11.50am (Creche & Children's Church Available during the service for the little ones) Hope to see you there!

SUNDAY 31ST DEC This Sunday we will be having a joint service in Drumlee at 11am. Why not join us as we reflect on the year that has been and look forward to "A Fresh Start" in 2018? Hope to see you there!

On this day let us celebrate with great joy Our Saviour was born :) Why not join us this morning at 10.30am in Ballyroney for a time of celebration & worship!

Come join us as we celebrate the Coming of Our Saviour! We will be having a shorter, informal time of worship, with praise and hearing from God's Word. Kids feel free to bring toys with you! All Welcome :)


Beautiful Northern Ireland

Beautiful Northern Ireland
