Granby Primary School
This is the only official Facebook page for Granby Primary School, set up and administered by the school. Granby is a thriving school where the Governing Body and the staff are dedicated to providing a high standard of education for all of its pupils. We are also committed to providing a wide range of activities and opportunities during and after school to ensure that the children and families enjoy their time at Granby.
We believe that choosing Granby Primary School is a positive choice to make and we aim to ensure that your child’s years here are both happy and successful. We look forward to working in partnership with you.
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facebook.comRailway history
A glimpse into our mechanical past
A final glance at the incredible Cromford Mill
Can you guess who the camera men were?
You can't beat a bit of dressing up!
The high peak trail - we hope that you enjoy the pictures from our budding young photographers!
More Wednesday action!
A journey back in time at Cromford Mill
More wet weather fun!
An exciting day in the black rocks and on Cromford Canal
We've been abseiling!! 😆💪👍
Guess who fell in first?!🤔........It wasn't the kids!!! 🤣