Pudding Fairy
"Franglaise" cake maker based in West Sussex. I marry French Patisserie, chocolate work and quirky designs for weddings, celebrations and corporate events. My name is Laure. I am a French-English "Franglaise" artisan cake maker for weddings, celebrations and corporate events. I specialise in cakes inspired by finest French patisserie recipes, and chocolate work. I deliver to Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire, Hampshire and Kent, working with leading event planners like JACARANDA and exclusive venues (Goodwood House, The Kennels, Ramster Hall, Cowdray House..). For further UK deliveries I use a dedicated food courrier. Whether you have an idea for your cake or need inspiration from scratch, email me for ideas and a free cake sketch at wishforacake@puddingfairy.co.uk or give me a call.
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facebook.comIt's still summer peeps. Why not pimp up your Bank Holiday week end with a batch of magical ice creams...that never melt! Simply bake your favourite sponge, and layer it up in small ice cream cones (I picked those up at Waitrose I think) - topped them up with a good swirl of buttercream, some sprinkles and a Flake of course. You could also go with a caramel or chocolate sauce and a candied cherry finish for a Sundae style. Go on, you know you want to! Ps:,a little practical tip- best make those last minute and enjoy straight away as the cones can get a little chewy otherwise. If you really need to make them in advance and have the patience to do this, paint the inside of the cone with a little melted chocolate to keep the crunch (and add extra yumminess)
Cast your vote! To drip or not to drip? What do you think? Are you a drip cake fan? Comment to tell me yes or no and why. I'd love to know what you guys think of the drip trend.... About this cake: This caramel drip cake is actually....6 cakes stacked 2 by 2 to create a super tall one. This one was for a wedding at the gorgeous Walled Garden in Midhurst (next door to Cowdray Ruins; in fact, so close that you can spot the ruins in the background on a couple of my pictures). It would equally make a great birthday cake.
It's a wrap. Double wedding delivery today. This one at "the venue with the most breathtaking view" of the Sussex Downs, @longfurlongbarn . I drive past it so many time, as I only live up the road, but I had never delivered a cake there until today. Feeling so lucky I did, especially as the sunshine appeared and made the rolling hills around the barn even more beautiful. I don't you you can ever get bored of that view. Congratulations on your wedding day Olivia and Rob, enjoy your tower of lemon drizzle xx #realwedding #barnwedding #sussex #sussexwedding #sussexweddingvenue big thanks to @the_good_florist for her fabulous touch to finish this cake, and @circaevents for looking after it #teamwork
Prep time sneak peek...
When you come back from your morning cake delivery and tell your dog that you have met the most handsome waggy tail friend there....clearly not impressed!
How to find 5 reasons to smile about your Friday in less than a minute- 🌟 What do you do when there are no words fit enough for what you think? Make one up. I'm jumping up and and down with excitement today for so many reasons: 1. I have completed a really challenging cake commission yesterday night; now I am sure you get that feeling too, when you complete something that felt a little out of your comfort zone. That "yeah!!" Moment. Yes, that. 2. I'm also super excited because I woke up today looking at a proper summer day. Blue sky. Real blue sky :) (if you are reading this from the south of France, Atlanta, Australia, Italy or somewhere else that's super sunny...we've had a lot or rain in England lately. A lot. Even by British standards). 3. I've just had a Paddington breakfast - self explanatory, right? 4. I have finally managed to update my cake page with lots of new recent creations. Hopefully they'll give someone planning a wedding, a birthday or any special day some creative and delicious inspiration (link in bio) 5. I'm about to hop in my car for another super special delivery, and it's going to take me all the way along one of my favourite roads, the A272. Past Petworth, Midhurst, Petersfield....with that view of the South Downs, that sunshine and that blue sky! Hence today's made up word: road(hap)piness xx what's your made up #fridayfeeling word? why? 😉
Might as well start thinking of snow, slopes and skiing considering what summer has got to offer at the moment....Suits me fine :) Massively helped by this mini trip around the imaginary slopes of Mount Ganache, all the way up to Le Chalet du Pastillage🌟 #cakestories #alps #alpine #merveillesdesalpes #bespoje #weddingcake #weddingwednesday #paintedcake #weddingideas #chocolate #tieredcake #rocknrollbride
Totally getting this inked inside my hand this week! Big week at Fairy HQ....but then, nothing ever great come out of staying in your comfort zone, doesn't it. What's your big aim this week? (Note: totally acceptable for it to be something like "doing nothing" or "finishing my fiction book" if you are enjoying time off somewhere :) Let's hear you lovely people 🌟
You'll never read a #cakestory like this one. It's perhaps the most romantic and fairytale like cake I have ever been asked to make, that's not a wedding cake or a proposal cake. Ready? "Dear Pudding Fairy. I need a birthday cake for my wife's 40th birthday. I'd like it very much if you could feature her birthday present on it. I'll send you a picture. It's a car..." This was all I knew, until I received pictures of this most gorgeous vintage Mercedes. With a bit of magic and technology combined, the picture became edible, the frame Chocolate, and that carrot, pineapple and coconut cake recipe got whisked out again :) A bit of a leather trim (in chocolate bien sur); a few vintage pearls flowers to tie everything together. It was such a privilege to be part of this wonderful birthday! Now, even with my limited car knowledge, I understand this one is pretty special. But that's not what got me to love this story so much. This car must also be pretty rare. Which means making time to look for it, find it, get it reconditioned if needs be, and get t where you want it to be when you want it to be. That's what makes it really special. The thoughts behind it. Whether it's a vintage car or a small and silly mug, it's the thought that counts. Don't you think? By the way, the recipe for the much in demand Fairy HQ carrot cake is still in my bio link too 🌟#vintage #cars #birthday #makeitspecial #revival #sussex
The next Lego movie opening scene? 😂😂😂
🌟Could this be the most perfect and versatile cake....EVER? 🌟 You tell me. I have had several requests for this in the past, so there it is: My carrot, pineapple and coconut cake recipe. This is my very own recipe, tweaked, and tweaked and tweaked again. It's really easy to make. It's a great cake to get kids baking. I also think it's perfect for ....are you ready for this.....afternoon tea, birthdays, festive gatherings, school fete cake sale, pic nics in the forest, a hamper lunch at the races, weddings, Christenings. Freezing (oh yes!), sports festival tray bakes, long journeys, dairy intolerances, gluten intolerances (I make it a lot with self raising gluten free flour and it behaves very well). Have I missed any occasion? You tell me where you'll be taking yours then :) Carrot, pineapple and coconut cake Arm yourself with 3 bowls (1 really large and 2 medium), 2 round cake tins (8 inch round), and a good spatula. Turn your oven on to 180 Celsius Grease and line your baking tins with baking parchment. Don't worry about the sides if you don't want to. Bowl 1 (really large bowl): Mix 165g self raising flour+ 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon and mixed spice+ a pinch of salt. Bowl 2: Mix 100g each of vegetable oil, caster sugar and brown sugar +3 eggs + 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Bowl 3: Mix together 200g of grated carrots+ 100g of drained crushed pineapple + 50g of desiccated coconut. Pour bowl 2 into bowl 1. Mix well until fully combined. Add the contents of bowl 3 into bowl 1. Mix again. Pour into your cake tins and bake for 35-40 minutes (now this bit depends a lot of your oven. It might take a little longer...) You can fill it with buttercream, white chocolate ganache, cream cheese sweeteners with icing sugar and vanilla..... VOILA! :) if you try it, do let me know in a comment 🌟
What's fluffy, shiny and makes you feel better when it's pouring down outside? 🌟 meringue buttercream carrot cake! #makitspecial #cake #baking #glutenfree #summerparty #birthday