3rd Ashford (St Matthews) Scout Group
3rd Ashford Scout Group We are a thriving Scout group located in Ashford, Middlesex catering for boys and girls aged 6 years to 18 years.
Our young people enjoy a variety of activities from learning about trails and knots to enjoying their first camping experience. Other activites include climbing, kayaking, air rifle shooting, archery and many many more.
Our Beavers section meets on Monday nights from 6-7pm.
Our Cubs section meets on Tuesday nights from 6.30-8pm.
Our Scouts section meets on Wednesday nights from 7-8.45pm.
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facebook.comSummer Funday 2016
Thanks to everyone that came along to support our Summer Funday. We had fantastic weather and lots of very worthy entries into our Bake Off. Hope you all have a relaxing summer break and we'll see you in September.
Ashford on the Map
WINGS 2020
The dates are out....
Timeline Photos
Don't forget your entries into our Bake Off on Saturday 🍰🍰
District Cub Camp - Wolfcubtastic 2016
The Cubs and leaders had a fabulous time at district camp this weekend.
Photos from 3rd Ashford (St Matthews) Scout Group's post
Our Cubs and Beavers had a great time sailing aboard "The Lucy Fisher" celebrating American Independence Day in style. Our thanks to French Brothers for a brilliant trip.
Summer Funday
Scoutabout 2017 will be held on 7-9th July at Ardingly Showground. This event happens once every 3 years and is a fantastic weekend bringing together 6000 Scouts from Surrey.
Photos from 3rd Ashford (St Matthews) Scout Group's post
Our Scouts have arrived safely and enjoying their first night.... Fingers crossed for a dry weekend ☀️☀️
Photos from 3rd Ashford (St Matthews) Scout Group's post
The Beavers had a great time mini-beast hunting at Bedfont lakes tonight, then running off their energy in the park! We found lots of very interesting insects, including a huge stag beetle larvae! Thanks to all our wonderful parent helpers.
Timeline Photos
What a fantastic day! Thank you to our fab team of parents and children who came along to support our stall. We raised over £400 towards group funds. Fantastic achievement.
Well we did it 25 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts camped out in the Science Museum. What a fantastic experience!