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WareHouse Gym Arbroath

38 dens road, Arbroath, United Kingdom
Sports & Fitness Instruction



Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Strongman, Kettlbells and personal training. The only crossfit affiliated gym in Angus. Free weights, superb leg workout stations, extensive dumbells selection. MMA training area,personal training,Reebok CrossFit training,powerlifting,olympic lifting and bodybuilding. Free workout and diet plans. First class supplements at the very cheapest in town. Gym branded clothing.



** New Kettlebell Sport Training Class Coming Soon !** Would you like involved in the Sport of Kettlebells ??,our gym owner Lee Page has trained in Russia with 10 times world champion,world Records holder in the sport Ivan Denisov and is looking to incorporate the training of this sport into our class timetable. There are 3 events,k/bell Snatch,Jerk and Long cycle. Lifters have 10 mins to complete as many reps as possible in the specific event. Unlike traditional weightlifting comps,Kettlebell sport focus on endurance rather than hitting max load.The endurance aspect forces competitors to establish strength,cardio and mental stamina. The class will be available for newbies as well as those with traditional kettlebell training experience. If interested message us here. TRAIN TO WIN !!

#This weeks class times# Mon CrossFit 5&6 pm Russian Cross Lifting 7pm Tues CrossFit 10am,5&6pm Mixed Martial Arts 7.15pm Wed CrossFit 5&6pm Kettlebells circuit 7.30pm Thursday Russian Cross Lifting 10am CrossFit 5&6pm Russian Kettlebells 7.30pm Fri CrossFit 5&6pm Russian Cross Lifting 8 pm Saturday CrossFit 10.30am Train To Win !!!

Today's classes CrossFit 10.30am Barbell Club 1pm Sundays classes Russian Cross Lifting 1pm TRAIN TO WIN !!

We are very proud and exited to officially announce we are going to be hosting a official Weightlifting Scotland Weightlifting competition this year at the Warehouse Gym Arbroath. The 'Scottish Masters Open' on Saturday June 2nd. This is a Masters only comp with guest lifters from our gym allowed too. All totals for Masters and Guest lifters will be official and can be used as a qualifier to other competitions. Weightlifting Scotland is the official governing body in Scotland for Weightlifting,under The umbrella of the International Weightlifting Federation which is the main body involved in weightlifting at the Olympics. It's a great opportunity for folk who are involved (or would like to get involved) in the sport in this area and particularly Arbroath. More details will follow in the coming months,for info on this pm us here or pop into the gym and speak to Lee. TRAIN TO WIN !!


## Member Of The Month February ## Name Scott Binnie Age 28 How long have you been a member at WGA ? 18 months Favourite exercise? Bench & Log Press's Least favourite? Rowing machine Why choose WGA to train ? Tremendous atmosphere from staff to clients,it feels more like a social club than a gym. Guidance and encouragement from everyone is always great too.Folk have their own goals etc but always willing to help you along as much as they can. Best moment to date at WGA ? Competing at Angus' Strongest Man at the Seafest last year was insane,something I never expected to be able to do. But losing 8+ stone since joining is by far my biggest achievement to date. Goal/s achieved ? 2 plate bench,3 plate squat,4 plate Deadlift,100 k Atlas Stone are my biggest big lift benchmarks and I've exceeded most of those since.Biggest goal was to stick in at the gym and I've done that now. Goal/s set ? I want to lose another 5 stone and keep adding weight to the big lifts. 220 k deadlift,200 k squat,140 k bench press and 100k log press are my goals for the year. WGA comment - Scott's journey since joining WGA has been something else. Having joined initially just to lose weight and get fit,he had some set backs along the way with injuries,but he never let it get him down or stop him and still worked around these niggles,getting on the road to the weight loss he was looking for. What he also found was a passion for strength sports particularly Strongman and has excelled in this type of training,performing brilliantly at last years Seafest. This has set him up compete in this field in the coming year. Lots more to come from this fella.💪🏻 Well done Scott.

Back to the 80's for the Kettlebell troops as Coach P dusts off his greatest hits 😂🎶🎶🎶🎶

## Next weeks Class Times ## Mon CrossFit 5&6 pm Russian Cross Lifting 7 pm Tues CrossFit 10am,5&6 pm Mixed Martial Arts 7.15 pm Wed CrossFit 5&6 pm Kettlebells Circuit 7.30 pm Thurs Russian Cross Lifting 10am CrossFit 5&6 pm Russian Kettlebells 7.30pm Fri CrossFit 5&6 pm Russian Cross Lifting 8pm Saturday CrossFit 10.30am * Please take note of this week's Russian Cross Lifting times. TRAIN TO WIN !!

Coaches are supposed to set examples, right? Well, coach Hutchison​​ isn’t setting any examples by leaving equipment out. every like = 1 burpee as punishment.

Nick Whitecross is this correct?

Want an competitive edge to your gym or class workout ??,then why not try one of our regular class's that can give you that. 'CrossFit' is the 'Sport Of Fitness',open to all abilities with a proven track record on getting fitness and weight loss results literally around the world ! We are Taysides longest established CrossFit gym,affiliated to CrossFit inc in America. Or our new 'Russian Cross Lifting' class,the 'Sport Of Strength Sports'. This regime is a dedicated workout solely focusing on the strength sports of, Olympic Weightlifting,Powerlifting, Kettlebells and Strongman. A competitive sport in Russia, gym owner Lee (experienced in all these fields,as well as holding titles and records) runs these classes and is Scotland's only certified coach to this having received his coaching in Russia. We are also Scotland's only Gym affiliated to the 'Russian Strength Sports Association'. So if interested in getting involved or want to learn about these strength sports and still want to get in shape and fit,then this is for you ! Message us here to book a place. TRAIN TO WIN !!

# Next weeks class timetable # Mon CrossFit 5 & 6pm Russian Cross Lifting 7 pm Tues CrossFit 10am,5 & 6pm Mixed Martial Arts 7.15pm Wed CrossFit 5 & 6pm Kettlebells circuit 7.30pm Thursday Russian Cross Lifting 10am CrossFit 5 &6pm Russian Kettlebells 7.30pm Friday CrossFit 5 & 6pm Russian Cross Lifting 7pm Saturday CrossFit 10.30am Olympic Barbell Club 1pm Sunday Strongman/Russian Cross Lifting 1pm TRAIN TO WIN !!


#gym #gymlife #backtothegrind #injuryfree #gains

#gym #gymlife #backtothegrind #injuryfree #gains

Go hard or go home folks.

Go hard or go home folks.
