Judo Club Osaka
Judo Club Osaka offers training in the martial art known as Judo. We run classes for beginners, intermediate, advanced and seniors. Judo Club Osaka was founded in 1980 by Richard Dove, the Club is now run by Richard's son, Adrian, and is based at Maida Gym, Aldershot. The club has professional qualified coaches who can offer generic training, as well as bespoke one-to-one sessions, by prior arrangement.
We teach Judo to children, from the age of 5, for fun and fitness, through to competitive fighters from 8 years and any adult wishing to start or return to the sport. The club attends competitions all around the UK, and regularly organises trips to European competitions, for the higher graded competitive fighters. A variety of sessions are available in the evening from Monday to Friday and one session on Saturday morning.
We run classes for beginners, intermediate, performance and seniors (18+) as well as Randori sessions. We also host a regular Inter-Club Mass Randori session on the second Wednesday every month.
A coffee lounge is available, during opening hours, selling water, hot and cold drinks and a variety of snacks.
Tell your friends
facebook.comIt was another good days performances at Sheffield yesterday with Victor coming in 9th place in a strong group and Faith taking silver well done guys
Really good day at British schools Sheffield today Gold Katie Mills Silver Matthew Brimicombe Bronze Matthew Grant Fifth places Oscar Harris Josh Davies and a big effort from Daniel Grant who was unlucky today well done to all have safe journeys home in the snow
Good luck to all Osaka fighters competing this weekend, especially those travelling to the British Schools Championships in Sheffield. Safe journey everyone, especially with potential wintery conditions forecast.
Don't miss this great opportunity to Randori with new fighters!
Well done today everyone you all meddald at the Southern area open some really good performances results were Gold Victor Nigsen Faith Oniel Harri Grist Ben Grist Andreas Burr Lucy Williams Bronze Josh Davies Lucy Williams Thank you to everyone for a good day and to Lisa Harrison and her team for getting the matts cleaned and ready
Good luck to all Osaka fighters competing this weekend, especially those travelling to the Southern Area Open in Crawley and Cadet European Cup in Croatia. Safe journey everyone.
Next Wednesday, put in your diary now!
Inter-Club Mass Randori session is held monthly, every 2nd Wednesday from 7-8.30pm at our venue Maida Gym, Queens Avenue, Aldershot. PLEASE NOTE : THE SESSION IS NOW REDUCED TO 90 MINUTES, FINISH TIME OF 8.30PM NOT 9PM. This is open to everyone, aged 11-18. No mat fees for this session. Please come along and encourage your friends. We have a very large mat area, 21m x 17m, so there is masses of space for everyone. We look forward to seeing you. ** PLEASE USE POST CODE GU11 1AY (Aldershot Centre for Health, next door) OR SCARLETT'S ROAD, ALDERSHOT **
Calling all Hampshire Closed medalists!!! Please can you come to lessons on Thursday 15th March in a white gi and with your medal so we can have a club photo. Thanks Sensei Adrian
Well done to all that fought at The Hampshire closed on Sunday, results were in the juniors; Gold Dorian Zoltaszek Matthew Grant Andreas Burr Victor Nijsen Dan Mills Katie Mills Silver Aidan Hilton Josh Davies Harrison Grist Daniel Grant Hope O'Neill Bronze Josh Peters George Herbert Ewan Scougall In the Seniors Gold Madeleine Herbert Lucy Williams Katie Mills Danny Holt Luke Balfre Sam Brimicombe Silver Andreas Burr Aasma Safdar Bronze Matt Brimicombe. No medals this time for ; Aayan Raj William Thorne Ben Smith Emma Finlayson Zachary good efforts from everyone
See you tomorrow everyone 👍
Judo training is officially over for 2017. #judo #wearegbjudo #britishjudo #osakajudoclub #adaptivejudo #iamadaptive #adaptiveathletete #amputee #amputeejudo #judoka #training #teamgb #judomat

It was my first session back to Judo yesterday, after my operation. I'm still not allowed to do standing work but a nice introduction session for groundwork. Looking forward to my competition in Holland in a few weeks. #judo #adaptivemodel #model #adaptiveathletete #iwalk @iwalkfree #amputeelife #amputeesport #amputeejudo #amputeejudoka #judoka #international #internationalathlete #teamgb #britishjudo #gbjudo #amputee #amputeefitness

Well done to Olivia for her silver medal 🏆Proud Family 👍💛🙂

Back on the mat tonight for the first time in a long while. Hopefully no broken bones this time... #judo #excited #gettoit #training #bringit #hajime

Fight... #japanesejudo

An extremely late upload but got my red belt just waiting for my yellow belt on Monday! #judo #judoka #fight #martial #arts #martialarts #spirit #core #win #fitnessguru #ambitions #liveyourlife #lovinglife #adamleefitness #motivation #motivated #traininghard

Not bad slipped a little bit today #judo #judoka #fight #martial #arts #martialarts #spirit #core #win #fitnessguru #ambitions #liveyourlife #lovinglife #adamleefitness #motivation #motivated #traininghard

Good way of improving speed, agility, muscular endurance but most importantly your mental fitness is by going randori runs. 6 sprints followed by 10 press ups followed by 10 tuck jumps followed by 10 sit ups followed by 6 sprints followed by doing as many burpies as you can all within the space of 2 minutes and repeat this between 3 and 10 times #judo #judoka #fight #martial #arts #martialarts #spirit #core #win #fitnessguru #ambitions #liveyourlife #lovinglife #adamleefitness #motivation #motivated #traininghard

Good time training after work, smashed through some basic K1 and had a good judo session #adamleejudo #fitness #fitnessguru #fitnessmotivation #judo #judoclubosaka #K1

Dive Good time training after work, smashed through some basic K1 and had a good judo session #adamleejudo #fitness #fitnessguru #fitnessmotivation #judo #judoclubosaka #K1
