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Speyside High School

Mary Ave, Aberlour, United Kingdom
High School



This page is a source of information about all the work we do and a place to celebrate the talents and achievements of the Speyside High School community.  Speyside High School has a central role in the Speyside community.
This page is a source of information about all the work we do and a place to celebrate the talents and achievements of all in the Speyside High School community. The High School has a welcoming, caring and inclusive ethos, where the values of resilience, respect and responsibility are central to all the work with young people.


Please see the screenshot below for information about Friday 2 March. Thank you.

Due to continued adverse weather conditions, the poor forecast and advice from bus companies Speyside High will be closed for all pupils and staff tomorrow, Thursday 1 March. The Moray Council website will be updated as soon as is possible. Please also check the school information line. Thank you.

Our apologies to anyone who has tried to ring the school information line. We are experiencing some technical problems. Speyside High is definitely closed to pupils & staff today, Wednesday 28 February.

Following on from our recent survey on Mental Wellbeing, which identified a desire for training and increased awareness of mental health support for children and families. Parents and guardians are invited to attend a Mental Health Services “Speed Dating Event” on Thursday 8th March (3.30pm). It would be great to see as many parents/carers there as possible. Thursday 8th March 2018 3.30pm Speyside High School Come along and meet organisations who deliver services in your locality face to face, find out what they do and get to know the people running these services. Refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!

Senior Phase Supported Study Sessions will be starting on Wednesday 21 February for 6 weeks. Further information will be issued to S4, S5 and S6 pupils at an assembly on Friday 16 February.

Prelim Exams taking place this week are: Monday 29 January: Morning: National 5 and Higher Administration; National 5 and Higher Graphic Communication; Higher Sociology Afternoon: National 5 Practical Cookery Tuesday 30 January: Morning: Higher Art & Design; National 5 and Higher Computing Science; National 5 Practical Cookery (Practical exam for ½ class) Afternoon: No exams Wednesday 31 January: Morning: Higher Administration Afternoon: No exams Thursday 1 February: Morning: National 5 and Higher Spanish; Higher Mathematics Afternoon: National 5 and Higher Spanish Friday 2 February: Morning: National 5 History Afternoon: National 5 Art & Design

Prelim Exams taking place this week are: Monday 22 January: Morning: National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Physics Afternoon: National 5 Music Tuesday 23 January: Morning: National 5 and Higher Biology; Higher Politics Afternoon: No exams Wednesday 24 January: Morning: Higher French, National 5 and Higher Geography Afternoon: Higher French(listening) Thursday 25 January: Morning: National 5 and Higher Modern Studies; Advanced Higher Mathematics Afternoon: Higher Classical Studies; Higher Music Friday 26 January: Morning: National 5 and Higher Chemistry Afternoon: Higher PE

Prelim Exams taking place for the remainder of this week are: Wednesday 17 January: Morning: National 5 and Higher Accounting; National 5 Drama; Higher German Afternoon: Higher German (Listening) Thursday 18 January: Morning: National 5 Application of Mathematics; National 5 Mathematics Afternoon: Advanced Higher Music Friday 19 January: Morning: Higher and Advanced Higher English; National 5 PE Afternoon: Hospitality – Practical Cake Craft

Prelim Exams taking place on Tuesday 16 January are: Morning: National 5 and Higher Business Management; Advanced Higher History and Hospitality - Practical Cookery (Practical Exam). Afternoon: National 5 and Higher Health and Food Technology and also National 5 Practical Woodwork.

A wee reminder about tonight's concert. Tickets can also be purchased on the door.

LOST PROPERTY: pupils are being encouraged to check the lost property boxes in the Janitors office. The boxes are overflowing with clothing items, particularly whole PE kits. If items are not claimed before the end of the Christmas holidays they may go to charity. Thank you.


NEAR Speyside High School

Glen Grant

Aberlour, United Kingdom
Landmark & Historical Place